surprise! - Enzo

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you reveal to the gang that you are engaged

It is safe to say that the past two weeks have been the best of my life. I have been swamped with work the past few months so Enzo managed to compelled my boss to let me have two weeks paid holiday. 

He swept me away to the Bahamas, we have been going out exploring everyday, really taking in the culture, enjoying all the wonderful food. A few days in, Enzo took me for a gorgeous night time picnic, away from everybody else so nothing can interrupt. Then, he proposed to me.

Of course I said fucking yes.

We spent the rest of the time celebrating just the two of us before heading back to normality. 

We both decided not to tell the gang right away because we wanted a bit more time before the planning starts, cause we all know as soon as Care catches wind of the news the planning begins. 

two weeks since engagement 

My eyes begin to flutter open and I take a big breath, I feel an arm wrapped around me so I place my arm on his 

"morning Handsome" I say sighing as I turn to face my fiance 

"morning gorgeous" he says leaning forward to place a kiss on my lips 

"want me to make breakfast today?" I ask and he nods. I begin to sit up but he pulls me back

"don't leave me" he says and I giggle before getting up again and turning to him

"do you want avo toast or not?" I say and he groans before letting me go "remember we have to be at the boarding house for 10:30" I say before reaching my hand out for him to grab.

"ok coming" he says 

"That's what you did last night" I say before running away. I didn't even have to turn around to see his eyes roll. 


We were sitting at the table eating our toast when he says

"i think it's time we tell them" he says looking down at the ring on my finger

"you sure honey?, I know you wanted to wait" I say reaching for his hand and he sighs 

"I know but I know you hate hiding it from the girls and to be honest I am fed up of being asked 'why are you acting weird?' when are you going to ask her?'" he says and I let out a smile

"I don't want you to feel like you have to let people know, we can wait longer" I say and he shakes his head

"i'm ready, especially to show the world that you are officially off the market" he says kissing my hand and I smile 

"I have been for a while" I say laughing and he rolls his eyes 

"but this?" he says showing me the ring "lets them know" he says standing up and grabbing the plates to go clean then up. I stand up and wrap my arms around his waist while he's at the sink

"i love you" I say going on my tiptoes and resting my chin of his shoulder, he looks at me for a moment 

"love you more gorgeous" he says and I pull away

"I'm going to go get dressed, shall we leave in half an hour?" I say and he hums in response.


Once we arrive at the house, Enzo holds my left hand just so we can hide the ring until I announce it. when we arrive we greet each other before sitting down for business. 

"come on Damon, you called this meeting, what is your big bright idea?" Bonnie says and he sighs 

"lure him with my charming wit" He says rolling his eyes 

"can't you contact Sybil in some way and get her to lure him? she is a siren after all?" I say and Caroline says 

"you only just got your boyfriend back, do you really want to bring her into the equation?" she says, she means well, and I say

"I know i know but it was a thought?' I say sitting back into Enzo

"I mean it could work" Stefan says and Damon rolls his eyes 

"can't say I kept her number did you lover boy?" he says and Enzo flips him off

We all went back and forth for an hour just putting down everyone's suggestions, nothing productive came out of this. Me, Bonnie and Caroline were getting pissed of at the guys,  they ending up bickering about who should be the one to fight Kane. This went on for about an hour before Carline has had enough

"OK this is useless, no one has any good ideas lets just forget about it" Caroline shouts before standing up and getting a drink. I give her a looks at she rolls her eyes "come on we need something to lighten the mood" she says pouring two glasses. She walks over to me and I smile at her

"you know me so well" I say and she winks. I turn to Enzo and he looks at me "it's five o'clock somewhere" i say before taking a big swig. He shakes his head before pulling me closer to him

"and I thought I was the drinker" he says and before he can say another word Caroline came back over and handed him a drink. "thank you gorgeous" he says and I shove him slightly.

"so, what shall we do now?" Bonnie says and Damon says 

"I would like to drown my sorrows away, anyone want to head over to the grille?" and people murmur and stand up but me and Enzo share a look. He coughs so they turn round.

He opens his mouth but nothing comes out

"I need to tell you guys something but it can wait" he says and they all roll their eyed and we share a smirk, before he walks ahead i decide to take the situation into my own hands

"ouch my wrist really hurts, I think it might be sprained" I say and Caroline and Bonnie come rushing over 

"what do you me-" Caroline starts to say before she spots the ring on my finger

"SHUT UP!" she says and Bonnie takes my hand. They both look up and pull me in for a hug

"when? where? how?" she says and I smile.

"a couple weeks back when we went on holiday" I say and they shout

"what?" I laugh before the others come back through. Bonnie and Caroline run over to Enzo and hug him

"what the hell is going on?" Stefan says and I hold up my left hand. He smiles and he runs to give me a hug

"Congratulations" he says and Damon walks over and lifts me up

"happy for you buddy" he says and I link my arms between them. 

"come on! let's go celebrate" I say and we all head over to the grille.


We spend the rest of the night drinking and just enjoying our night together, because of everything that is going on we never get any downtime so any time we get together is precious. We ordered a bottle of champagne and we all got a glass to raise a toast.

"to Y/n and Enzo" Damon says and I turn to my fiancé 

"always and forever ey?" I say and he rolls his eyes 

"shut up" he says. I give him a kiss on the cheek. I get to marry the man of my dreams. I am the luckiest person in the world.

A/N : I don't like the ending, I might come back and change if after my exams. So apologies for the abruptness.

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