you and only you - Stefan

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you and Stefan love each other but won't admit it

"ok I have definitely failed that" Elena says we walk out of our Chemistry final, we are followed closely my Tyler and Matt who look equally as thrilled, I shake my head and say

"you did better than you think I'm sure" I say linking my arm in hers and turn to the boys "how're you two?" i say with a smile

"glad to be done with finals" Matt says and Tyler puts and arm around his shoulder

"which means a massive rager at my house" he says causing us all to laugh. We make our way out the building and was planning to head over to Elena's for pizza, that was until we spotted Damon and Stefan it a heated conversation. Is it bad that I find a riled up Stefan very attractive?  The Salvatores came crashing into our lives around a year ago, in the same amount of time I fell in love with one of my best friends. We have always been very close, he's always the first person I tell anything to, the first person I message in the morning and last person I talk to at night. We hang out so much we've been mistaken for a couple and it never gets easier when he laughs it off. We've been flirty in the past and the girls are convinced that if I tell him my feelings they will be reciprocated but I'm not prepared for that heartbreak. They both turned to see us and immediately stopped talking which isn't suspicious at all, Stefan looks at me and immediately smiles which causes instant butterflies in my stomach and my heart to race which I know all my supernatural friends will be able to hear, when we reach them Elena says

"what's going on?" and walks up to Damon wrapping an arm around his waist and Stefan moves so he's standing next to me 

"the Mikaelsons have invited the entire town to a ball at the compound" Damons says and we all exchange wary glances 

"what are they after now they've got the fucking moonstone" Tyler says from my other side I look at him before deciding to ignore what he just said and ask

"what's the plan then?" I see Stefan tense slightly 

"well we'll have to go if we want to live but my my brother here doesn't want certain people to go" Damon says and I turn to look at Stefan

"who do you not wanna go? surly we are safer all together" Tyler says

"thank you" Damon says 

"well I'm sorry for caring about your safety" Stefan mutters looking at me before zooming away leaving us all confused 

"well someone is moody" Matt says 

"he's very protective of our Y/n it seems" Damon says wiggling his eyes at me i roll my eyes about him

"he cares about everyone, it's not just me he's worried about " I say and Elena smiles at me

"sure" she says and I glare at her, the girls are the only ones who know about my feelings towards Stefan and whilst they are supportive they don't fail to tease me relentlessly about it

"so what's your plan?" Matt says to Damon and he sighs

"we are stronger in numbers so my suggestion was we all go show face then some of us stay and try and figure out what they're planning and the others head back to mine and Stefans and stay there until everyone's back" he says 

"won't they get suspicious if some of leave" Tyler asks and Damon smiles then says 

"not if we are strategic about it" me and Elena share a look before she turns to her boyfriend and says 

"care to enlighten us on that part of the plan?" she asks and he shakes his head

"not until the day of, don't wanna risk them over hearing anything. Let head back to the house and gather everyone Mr Grump included" he says opening his car doors for me and Elena, Matt was driving him and Tyler over. Throughout the car ride Damon and Elena were debating on why Stefan was being moody, i would chime in occasionally reminding them to respect his privacy, and I messaged him to say

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