doesn't seem fair - Stefan + Elijah

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you match his level and come out as the villain

(inspired and quote used from Marvel's Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness)

"i am sick and fucking tired of this bullshit" I say pacing up and down my living room trying to walk out the frustration I'm feeling towards my boyfriend and our current standing. Today was the last straw when i walked into the grille to see my boyfriend and one of my best friends snuggled up in a booth making out. 

"why are you still with him? he's not going to change" the voice of Katherine says through the phone and I nod in agreement before falling into my vanity chair where I propped my phone against the mirror 

"and yet a keep going back" I say with a sigh before she chimes in again

"which needs to stop" she says and I scoff

"you are one to talk" I say and he rolls her eyes and me

"touche" she says and we both sit in silence for a moment, we both know what needs to happen we just need to pluck up the balls and say it. As we are sitting there the silence is broken by someone knocking on my door and I can almost guarantee who it is causing up to roll our eyes in unison 

"Y/n please invite me back in I am sorry!! it won't happen again!" we hear Stefan shout from my front door 

"pipe down" I shout back at him

"Y/n please I love you" he shouts causing Katherine to gag

"do you say that to all your girlfriends" I say before turning back to her and saying"can you come here and kill him already?" I say causing her to let out a laugh at question making me let out a small laugh 

"i wish i could my dear Y/n but you know full well i can't come to town until the Mikaelsons are gone" she says. Those words caused a lightbulb in my head and a plan to start forming. I honestly felt like i had a eurica moment that I knew she would approve of, sorta

"earth to Y/n?" she says and i look back at her with a grin

"Kat I have to go" I say and she looks at me quizzically 

"what's going on whats with the sadistic grin, looks good on you" she says and I smile

"i'm going to bite back" I say before hanging up and quickly changing the outfit I am wearing to a more suitable seducing one. After about five minutes i rush down the stairs and quickly grab my cars keys and open the door to see Stefan still standing there looking for annoyed than distraught which told me all it needed to

"Y/N - " he goes to say but i hold up a hand

"look you are invited back in go nuts, do whatever you want, but i'm going out" i say before unlocking my car and getting leaving a very stunned Stefan on my porch, I give him a quick wave as I drive away knowing full well I could be driving to my death. He speeds in front of me before I can reach my car causing me to sigh

"y/n we need to discuss this" he says and I just look at him

"what is there to say that hasn't already been said the previous times? you have cheated on and me and will continue to cheat. End of story" i say before pushing through and getting in the car. 


When I reach a traffic light I click the carphone and call Katherine as if this is it I want her to be my last call. I also realise I did leave her hanging and as suspected she picks up after a few rings

"um hello?" she says 

"i think i am about to do possibly the most brilliant and idiotic thing I have ever done" i say 

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