you - Damon

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You are both in love with each other but are too scared to admit it

You are both in love with each other but are too scared to admit it

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Damon Salvatore

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Damon Salvatore. Where do I even begin. 

I have been in love with him since I first laid eyes on him 5 years ago, I am infatuated with him. Every single part of him, the good the bad and the ugly. He could quite literally hit me with a car, breaking every single bone in my body, and i would say thank you. He affects me so much!. Don't get me wrong i am a strong independent bitch, but all he has to do is look at me and I becoming a blubbering mess.  

Does he feel the same way? i think so. I mean we are constantly flirting, teased the hell out of each other. Yet we have not kissed. Not Once.



I was on my run route, which happens to go past the boarding house, when i notice Damon standing outside the grounds on a call. I slow down and he notices me so he gives me a quick smile and he hangs up. He seemed very stressed so I was immediately concerned and it wasn't until then i remembered I was in a sports bra and tiny shorts, I started to feel slightly self conscious but his demeanour has me worried.

"hey" i say coming to a halt to catch my breath, i notice he doesn't seem to be himself. His shoulders and how are tense, he is avoiding looking at me. "what was that about?" i ask and he looks up

"that was Klaus, they are in town" he says shaking his head

"oh shit" I say and he looks at me "what could they possibly want now?" I say and he laugh

"it's not what, it's who" he says clutching his phone. My heart sinks at the thought of someone else getting hurt, our friends have only just recovered from the last time they Mikaelsons attacked. He begins to look around and instinctively moves closer to me.

'right ok? so we we need to find Elena? I'll call her" I go to reach for my phone but he grabs my arms 

"it's not Elena they're after, it's you" he says and my eyes widen in shock, i was sure he must be mistaken 

"me?" I say again and he nods "right" i say putting a hand to my head trying to gather my thoughts. His eyes scan my face seeing the worry, he takes my hand of my head and puts both his hands on my arms

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