so's Y/n- Kai

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He wants people to know who you belong to

"Kai are you here?" I shout as I close to front door dropping my work bag on the floor . I just arrived home from a long day at the firm and wanted nothing more than a chill night in with my boyfriend, who said he would be coming over tonight. Not hearing anything I decide to walk through to my kitchen to see what leftovers I have in the fridge and that's when I hear a shout coming from the living room. So he is here. I roll my eyes as I place the leftovers on the table and head through to see my boyfriend playing a videogame on my console with headphones on so obviously hasn't realise I'm home. I slowly walk over and tap him on the shoulder

"hi" i say as he removes one side of the headphones on an hear

"hey honey" he says still in the zone of the game 

"my day was great thanks for asking" I say sarcastically and he offers a hum in response as he is fighting someone in the game "when i invited you over tonight this wasn't really what I had in mind" I say and he doesn't say anything for a moment until

"I will greet you properly once i execute this mother fucker" he says which causes me to laugh and roll my eyes and walk back through to cook up our dinner and leave him to it 

"come through when your done" I say and a couple of minutes later he comes through to join me and gives me a long kiss 

"my darling how was your day?" he says wrapping his arms around my waist and I smile

"stressful but productive" I say and he smiles at me

"sorry about earlier I was in the middle of beating Damon at COD" he says causing me to laugh and grab his hand and walk over to the table so we could sit down and I could eat something. We spend the next while talking about our days and beginning to organise the holiday that we're planning together. As we were discussing dates I got the joy of reminding him and that we are attending another Mikaelson ball that weekend and that I'd promised Damon we would head over to the boarding house that evening so the gang could come up with a game plan.

"ugh god do we really have to go and before you say something snarky i mean both things" he says and I laugh

"yes because otherwise we would get decapitated and I'd rather keep you in my life" I say and he sighs

"i love you and i hate that you're right" he says and I stare at him for a moment before he says "and if you go I go" he says and I smile before walking over and gently placing my hands on his tense shoulders and rubbing them slightly 

"I also don't want to go but we can just use it as an excuse to get all dolled up and I can show you off. Plus and as much as I hate to put ideas into your head you can use it as a chance to annoy my friends" i say trying to lighten the mood and i just get a small laugh "I'll make it up to you" I say which catches his attention

"how?" he challenges with a small smirk so i gently lift leg and swing it over his lap so I'm straddling him and he moves his arms around so his hands are on my ass

"I can think of a few things" i say leaning in and gently grazing my lips against his before I stand up "but first we have to go to the boarding house" I say smiling like the cheshire cat and he is staring at me

"i would get you for that but I need a minute"

at the boarding house

The first hour everyone was there was spent with Damon, Tyler and Stefan arguing over who's plan is better, Stefan and Tyler are saying their plans are the safest and Damon is saying that his plan will be the best to kill the Mikaelsons. Kai would just saying the occasional thing to annoy them all and escalate the situation. My boyfriend everyone. The rest of us left them in the lounge about 40 minutes ago and have been stood in the kitchen having already agreed we will just go to show face and leave. Elena had already started making snacks for us by the time they realised we weren't there listening. Caroline heard the confusion and shouted for them to join us 

"the hell?" Tyler says and she sighed before saying

"no offence but listening to three men argue over nothing isn't our idea of a fun wednesday night" causing them to feign offence

"plus we already decided on a plan" i say before popping a grape into my mouth and Kai gives me a look

"what is the grand plan?" he asks and Bonnie says 

"show face then leave. Now if you boys don't mind we would like to enjoy our evening now?" she says challenging them and they all stay silent

"good now get chopping" I say chucking a dish towel at Kai 

the ball

Kai's POV

We have been in the stupid house for about two hours now and I'm beginning to get agitated as it feels like we are just sitting targets. We have passed the time by having drinks and Y/n managed to persuade me to dance. It was nice have time just just the two of us but I still felt like i needed to be on guard the whole time. We got seperated a while ago when they went to go find their friends. It's been about five minutes and I'm starting to panic so i quickly walk around the room and I spot Elena and Stefan

"have you guys seen Y/n?" I ask and Stefan smiles and points behind me points. I turn and look, I saw Y/n standing next to Damon, Tyler and Bonnie and felt my anxiety ease knowing they were not alone. I mutter a thanks and begin making my way over to them when I somehow tune in on a conversation between the Mikaelson siblings who were huddled in a corner.  I quickly swerve and slowly make my way to their vicinity to see if I can hear them spill any plans

"odds on Nik getting with Caroline tonight" Kol says and Rebekah replies 

"well considering her boyfriend's here very slim" and Bekah shakes her head whilst her brother says 

"like that's ever stopped him before" Kol says and she nods 

"true, I'll change to a 50/50" she says flatley

"so she's definitely taken? and not by Nik?" he say and stares at him already bored on this conversation 

"Definitely" she says. I take this opportunity to do a stupid thing and I walk over to them and making it looks as though I'm just walking by, I glare at Kol and say

"so's Y/n" before I speed over to Y/n and grab their hand

"we're leaving" I say and before they can protest I speed them out of there and back to their house. Once we are there I let go off them and the sit down rubbing my face with my hands and they say

"care to explain why we left our friends" they ask and i say

"your friends" I say and I hear them sigh "I just wanted you out of their ok? I heard Kol and Rebekah talking about you and I didn't like it so i got you out of there" i say finally looking at them and they give me a sad smile before walking over and sitting next to me

"ok" they say before giving me a quick kiss on the cheek placing a comforting hand on my thigh and I look at them.

"also might have said something stupid to them" i say and Y/n glares at me 

"what?" they ask sitting up

"can i say in the morning when you will be less angry" I say and the mumble a response before we fall silent. Seconds go by and their phone starts to ring so they grab it answering

"hey Damon" they say and I listen to their panicked friend of the other line

where are you?! are you ok?! 

"yeah I'm fine, Kai got spooked so sped us out of their I'm in my house I'm ok" they say calmly sending me a look and Damon replies

what did he do?

"Hey!" I say causing them to shove me

"right Dam  I'm going to go to bed thanks for checking in I'll explain everything when i come over tomorrow" they say

ok see you tomorrow

Once they hang up I decide to bring up our conversation from earlier in the hopes of getting back in the good boks 

"I believe you have some making up to do?" I say with a smirk. Y/n gives me a smile before standing up and walking away saying

"Night Parker" I sigh before standing up and following them 

"I can still sleep in the bed right?"

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