enemy - Elijah

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You think you hate each other, but do you?

Ever since the Mikaelsons have come back to town I cannot get the eldest one out of my head, everything he does is infuriating. He speaks so proper and acts all high and mighty as if all the horrible things he has done meant nothing. Ugh that Man. At this moment in time him and Klaus were here at the boarding house talking to Stefan and Damon about what they are going to do about Katherine 

"earth to Y/n" Elena says bringing me out of my thoughts 

"huh?" I say causing her to roll her eyes as me 

"I was going to ask whether we should make a start on the food as they are taking forever" she says and I nod as we head into the kitchen to start preparing the food for them all. Every so often we would hear raised voices and just tried to ignore them. As I was chopping the vegetables I imagined this was Elijah's fingers and I was chopping them off and wiping the smug smile of his face. Elena could tell by my face something was up 

"penny for your thoughts?" she smirks and I sigh

"just imaging what it could be like to chop Elijah's dick off" I say and before I can say anything someone comes bursting in the kitchen slamming the door against the cabinet and I look up to see him smiling smugly

"ahh Y/n can't keep my name out your mouth can you?" he says coming close to me and stealing a bit of the veg I was chopping and eating it and and I just stare at him. Damon and Stefan enter the room sighing

"your voice makes me want to vomit" I say and he smirks again

"well you better get used to it because we are going to be spending a lot of time together. I cannot wait to torment you until you want to end it all" he says with a wink before speeding away and I stare at the now blank space in confusion

"what does he mean?" i say and the two brothers avoid my gaze causing Elena to walk over as well

"well seeing at Katherine is more of a threat this time around we thought each human should be assigned a guard if you will.." Stefan starts to say and the realization hit 

"you can't be serious" I say and Damon nods "HIM?!" I say and Stefan speaks up

"believe it or not but he requested to guard you" he says and Elena nudges me and I say 

"yeah so he can kill me GOD!" i exclaim as I head back over to take my anger out on the bread again.


A month has now passed and Elijah is following me everywhere and I mean everywhere. To and from school, the shops, the boarding house. I swear to you i have even seen him camped outside my house once or twice. I am sort of getting used to seeing him in my peripheral vision and I hate that I kind of like it. What has been surprising is that we haven't gotten in an argument yet or tried to bite each others heads of, it has been quite civil. Which is also nice. GOD!


It is currently half nine and I am walking back from a late night talk ,that one of my teachers was hosting, and minding my own business listening to a podcast when I got the feeling that I wasn't alone. I looked around and notice that someone is walking very close behind me. My grip on my keys tightened and I sped up and to no one's surprise he matched my speed until he was right next to me. He started talking to me but I could hear my heart thumping in my ears and I flinched when he placed an arm around my waist pulling me in

"hey there beautiful fancy a good time"he says and I shake my head

"no thank and I would appreciate if you let me go" I say trying to get out of his grip but it only tightens and he shoves me against a wall so I'm trapped beneath him and he snarls

"it wasn't a question" he says and he goes to lean in but he is suddenly ripped from me and thrown against a car opposite, before I could register what happened he was thrown against the ground and someone had began beating him to a pulp. 


Once I regain myself slightly I quickly run over to try and grab his attention

"Elijah Elijah! stop you are going to kill him!" I say and he looks at me for a moment and his darkened gaze softened slightly before he turns his attention back to the perpetrator 

"you touch her again and I'll cut your fucking hand off and shove it down your throat, you worthless piece of shit" he says before standing up and taking me in his arms "come on your safe now" before speeding us off. When we stopped I noticed  he had taken me to his house. He said he didn't want me to be alone tonight so he said I could sleep here tonight and he would take the sofa. I made a few protests but he wasn't having any of it and before I could argue with him further he went to go freshen up. He offered me a t shirt to sleep in so I contemplated getting changed into it but I decide to wait till he's back and thank him for the offer but I will be going home. 

When he came back he looked at me with my jacket on and sighs

"for christ sake Y/n" he says throwing his jacket on the bed

"look thank you for tonight but I will be heading home" i say and he nods

"look I am sorry if this is making you uncomfortable but I just thought you might not want to be alone tonight" he says and I can tell he means it

"and i appreciate it but I just can't stay here" I say and he looks at me confused

"why? am I that repulsive to be around?" He says and I shake my head 

"no not at all" I say  moving closer to him and he looks at me 

"then why?" he says and I shout

"I don't know all right i don't know. We are meant to hate each other Elijah but now I can't top thinking about you and how much I want to be with you all the time you consume my every waking thought. I can't sleep at night because I am thinking about you and praying to whatever that i want to be with you" I say as he closes the gap between us causing my heart to race and i know he can hear it "I don't hate you Elijah" I say and he gently takes me cheek in his hand and stares into my eyes 

"neither do i Y/n. You have some sort of hold over me because you are the bane of my existence yet the object of all my desires" he says and that's all i need to hear before crashing my lips onto his. He stands there dazed for a  moment before wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me into him hungrily wanting to be as close to me as possible. I bring my fingers to his hair causing him to let out a gasp which leads us to break apart. We stand there catching our breaths still holding on to each neither one of us wanting to let go his eyes scan my face flickering between my lips and my eyes 

"guess we feel the same way huh?" I say which gets a small chuckle out of him as he rest his head on mine 

"I have never hated you Y/n, I have been feeling quite the opposite" he says and i look into his eyes

"be my boyfriend Elijah" I say and he begins to smirk

"always" he says leaning in and closing the gap once more.

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