little songbird - Kol

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your friends show you their true colours when they use you one last time

"Y/n I thought you'd gone home already?" a voice takes me out of the files I was reading and I look up to see my boss standing next to my desk all dressed ready to leave. He is staring at me in slight exasperation 

"sorry something just kept bothering me and i couldn't go til I figured it out" I say and he laughs 

"and have you?" and i shake my head

"nope" I say chucking it on my desk

"cause your tired now come on it's time to go we have an early flight tomorrow. Can't have one of my best agents sloppy" he says grinning smugly 

" ha ha" i say putting the file away and packing up my things quickly and follow him towards the lift and head downstairs. We say our goodbyes as we leave the lift and I make my way out the main entrance, I take my phone out my pocket and see I have a message from Kol

Fiancé 💍  I'll going to be late back. Even LATER than you for once.  So I've asked Nik to pick up and make sure you rest up before your flight. I'll see you at the compound when I'm done. Love you x

I smile at my phone before sending 

See you later, I love you more x

I smile at my phone walking out the main entrance and I look around to see Niks car by the gates and I start to run knowing security won't have let him in. Make my way through the gates waving a thank you to the guards and walk towards Nik

"Hey love" he says hugging me before opening the car door for me

"Hi, sorry you have to babysit" I say and he rolls his eyes 

"it's lucky we're best friends" he says and i laugh as he closed the door. Once he's inside I say

"were you waiting long?" I say and he rolls his eyes before pulling onto the road

"you forget how well I know you, no I'd only arrived five minutes before I heard you come out the lift" he says and I smile

"well how about when we get in we do hot chocolates and a movie?" I say 

"only if I can pick the movie" he says and i nod

"deal, god knows I need the distraction" I say and he nods

"it'll only be for a few days so when you come back you'll have a chance to recharge" he says and I nod

"I hope so"

A few hours later..

Me and Nik were in the middle of watching a film when we heard the front door opening and closing I turn to Nik knowing he was listening

"Kol" he says and I smile before standing up and like clockwork the door to the room opens and he appears in the doorway

"hey what're you doing up?" he says softly as I walk over to give him a sleepy hug before looking up and kissing him

"waiting for you silly" I say and he sighs kissing my forehead 

"darling you have an early start" he says and I smile 

"I missed you and wanted to see you" I say and he smiles kissing me again 

"ok now it's time for bed" he says and I nod turning back to Nik

"thanks for tonight, it really helped" I say and he smiles

"anytime, night you two" he says waving us of and Kol leads me upstairs to our bedroom. We go through the motions of getting ready for bed and catch each other up on our days, once we are under the covers and cuddled up i say

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