hold me - Nik

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⚡️TRIGGER WARNING⚡️ descriptions of torture (waterboarding) and violence. Please proceed with caution. If this isn't for you please don't read ahead!!

The nature of my job means every time I am out in the field I am at some form of risk, my job isn't the most safe. Working for the Bureau was always a dream of mine and I love my job but, it does mean I am constantly away from my loved ones, there is also a good possibility that i might not come back. Would I change that? Not for the world.

When me and Klaus started dating I told him right away that this was going to be tough and it would take a lot of work. And he said that he admired me more for being upfront and honest and he admired how much i love my job. Which made me fall for him more.

present time

Niks arms were wrapped around me as we were lying in bed enjoying our lie in. This is the first time I have not have a late night call for a case in months so we were soaking up all the relaxation we could. I say could because we currently have my nephew staying with us as my sister and my brother in law are away. I said i could look after him knowing full well i will probably not be around much and she knew this. But it's the thought that counts. I asked for two days off so i could spend some time with him and Nik however, there is always a possibility for my phone to ping 

"I could get used to this" he murmurs into my ear before he buries his face in my neck and i hum in response feeling the warm of his breath against my skin 

"don't jinx it" i say and he nods pulling my body closer to his and squeezing 

"what shall we do today?" he asks and I shrug my shoulder before sitting up and stretching out moving the covers off me

"well I need to go for my run so how about when i come back we wake y/n/n up and go out for breakfast?" i suggest and he nods

"sounds perfect" he says and I smile before leaning down and giving him one last peck on the lips before standing up and heading to get dressed into my running gear. As I was in the bathroom I heard my phone start to ring so I picked it up and i saw it was and old friend, we worked together on an undercover investigation a year ago. Cause of those circumstances he only contacts me if something's happened

"hey is everything ok?" i say as I quickly grab my phone strap before rushing out the bathroom and out the door leaving a confused Nik in our bed. 

"give me a second I need to go somewhere more private" he says and i can hear him moving around through the phone. i am also trying to put my shoes on and get out the house as quickly as I can so I can't be listening on.

"what's going on?" I say and I hear him sigh 

"we have a problem" he says and I nod as I close the front door and start exiting the property "someone has accessed the files. They now have access to all evidence and intel we have on them" he says and I stop in my track

"fuck" I say stopping in my tracks trying to come up with some form of plan "shit" is all the words i can seem to muster up. I begin to walk faster hoping it will somehow make me think clearer

"we need to make sure no one else finds out about this, especially your team" he says

"I need to tell Hastings! he can help" I say

"Y/n this can't go any further" he says and I say

"we can trust him" I say and he grunts

"fine". I nod and before I can respond I feel a hand on my mouth and an arm aggressively grabbing my waist and pulling me. I drop my phone and try to get out of the grip, attempting to use any of my training but they manage to get my arms behind me so i can't defend myself.  As I am being held someone else comes and pulls a blindfold over my eyes and a gag in my mouth. Now I can't see anything so I flinched when I felt a pair of aems grab my legs and yank them upwards and lifting me as they start moving. I try to make noise and wriggle out of their grip but I suddenly get thrown and that on a hard surface and I hear the sound of someone getting in behind me. Suddenly we start to move so I know we are in some. 

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