here we go - Stefan

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a typical day in your marriage 

"there is my hard worker" Stefan shouts walking down the stairs as i open the doors to the boarding house at 9:30 in the morning after a night shift causing me to roll my eyes and drop my work back at the door

"oh piss off" I says throwing the keys on the table and he laughs

"good morning to you too" he says laughing and I groan resting my head on his chest and he engulfs me in a hug "that bad huh?" he says rubbing back as I nod bringing my hands up to my face to rub my tired eyes

"had three back to back women who needed an emergency c-section" I say and i stand up properly and he gives me a sympathetic smile

"i'm sorry sweetheart" he says and I sigh "what would you like first coffee and breakfast or shower then coffee and breakfast?" he asks and I think for a moment before I say 

"shower first cause it might wake me up more" i say and he nods 

"ok I'll make it whilst your in there" he says and I smile at him

"i think i have the best husband ever" I say and he smiles

"yes, yes you do" I shove him slightly before slowly making my way up the stairs.


I put of comfy clothes after my shower, with wet hair as I air dry my hair, and I head downstairs where I see Stef placing our food on the bar and Damon and Elena are with him chatting, they all look up when they hear me coming 

"coffee and food ready" Stefan says and I smile at him

"mm smells delicious thank you honey" I say giving him a quick kiss on the lips "mmm coffee" I say about to take my first sip

"get a room" Damon says from the table and I turn to him and say

"I think you forget I am very skilled with a knife and could easily make your death look like an accident" I say and he smirks holding his hands up 

"is it bad i was extremely turned on by that" me and Elena give him a disgusted look and she shoves him

"Y/n is very much taken brother" Stefan says grabbing my left hand and placing a kiss on top of the the rings and he laughs

"joking obviously" he says then mouths to me not which makes me laugh and i roll my eyes as i sit down. We had a very slow chilled morning just catching up and trying not to think about life outside the boarding house. Elena and Damon told us about their long weekend away and everything they got up to then I brought the mood down when they asked how my shifts had been but hey that's life. As Stefan mentioned him and Enzo meeting up earlier that week it reminded Damon about something he and Bonnie thought of as a way to prepare for the next Mikaelson attack. Which caused the boys to get into a heated conversation of who's right and who has the best plan and I was too tired to hear the amount of bullshit they were saying 

"here we fucking go" I say bringing my hands to my face and Elena sensed I was beginning to get stressed so she leaned over to me and said 

"wanna head to Carolines? Ric has the girls and she's making her famous bread" I nod and she stands up holding a hand out for me which I take as she pulls me up then wraps an arm around my shoulder leading us out the house.


"this is fucking delicious" i say taking another bite of the tiger bread Caroline made and she smiles proudly 

"I aim to please" and me and Elena share a look

"Lucky Tyler" I say and she proceeds throws a piece of me causing Elena to laugh

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