i just saved your ass - Kol

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The Salvatores and the Mikaelsons already don't get along, and then Katherine comes into town and all hell breaks loose 

A/N : if the translation is wrong please tell me and I will fix it immediately

When we moved back to mystic falls we knew that the mystic gang would have something to say about it, the salvatores and the Mikaelsons have not got on for as long as I can remember. All because Nik is salty about Stefan no longer being his friend. Or whatever I stopped caring long ago. 

I have no problem with the Salvatore's, them and the mystic gang might not be my favourite people, but, they have done nothing to me personally. But my boyfriend on the other hand. Absolutely despises them. 

Me and Kol have been dating for 4 years and there is no one else on this planet that I would rather be with, I love this man with my whole heart and I know he is who I will be with for the rest of my life. Kol has had such a traumatic life and I will do anything in my power to ensure he knows how much i love and care about him. I have also had my fair share of trauma so we know how to take care of each other. When we first met it was like we were two pieces in a puzzle, it just fit. 


Since since moving back to the supernatural beacon of America me and Bekah have been bored with all the bickering so we persuaded the boys to host a ball, masquerade to be precise. I made the point that it could also be used to try and make some form of agreement with the Salvatore's since we are going to be in mystic falls indefinitely.  Also, any excuse to get all fancy. 

With some persuasion they said yes. So me and Bekah spend the next couple of weeks planning and inviting people.  


Me and Bekah were in the lounge browsing on the web for masquerade masks to match our outfits when the boys came back from some feeding frenzy. 

"you lot need to come pick a mask" Bekah shouts and there is an audible groan

"do we have to?" Kol says and an idea pops into my head. 

"I can think of a few things that you will not be getting if you don't come and pick a god damn mask" I say and he speeds over 

"of course darling" he says kissing my cheek before looking at Bekah's computer screen. Once they have all chose we all sat down together to have dinner, just enjoying our time together as we have all been very busy over the past couple of weeks. 

We were all just having a nice time and then Elijah brought up some concerning news 

"I bumped into the eldest Salvatore earlier and he said that Katerina was in town and we should be on high alert for any of her games" after he says that  Bekah rolls her eyes and groans, but I freeze.

Something that I have not told anyone before is that I have met Katherine before, she will not remember but she in fact almost killed me when I lived in Bulgaria. They know I used to live there and that I am fluent, but they don't know how i know her. When I was younger she came back to settle some unfinished business , I was only 8 years old walking home and I happened to be in her bath on a feeding spree.  When I walked past her she grabbed me, sped me into an ally and was about to feed on my neck when she stopped and looked at me. I was so scared, but she let go and said

"Съжалявам" (i'm sorry) and just speeds away. I then run home as fast as i can crying cause i didn't understood what happened. When i moved mystic falls for the first time with the Mikaelsons and saw Elena, I was scared. 

"why did you have to be a dickhead to her all those years ago?" Kol says bringing me out of my freak out causing me to nudge him slightly and Nik takes a sip

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