let's see where this goes - Elijah (request)

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thank u @tifuu13 for requesting this I hope you enjoy 😊 

Elijah and I have both been in love with each other since the day we met, as cheesy as it sounds the moment our eyes met it felt like the entire world came to a halt

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Elijah and I have both been in love with each other since the day we met, as cheesy as it sounds the moment our eyes met it felt like the entire world came to a halt. Have we expressed our feelings towards each other? absolutely not. 

Have I wanted to? Yes

Have I tried? No

When I am around that man I cannot control myself, I am drawn to him like a moth to a flame. I think we both have an idea that there is something more between us but neither one of us have acted on this knowledge. 

Bekah and Klaus are so fed up with the two of us pining over each other and not just getting together already. They have both tried but something always get's in the way. I never know whether I should be happy about that. A part of me wants to them to tell him so I don't have to and i can get the humiliation over with. 

But alas, life gets in the way. 


I was coming home from the worst day at work, my intern lost of the notes from the meetings I had today so my assistant had to fix everything he messed up. My boss is making me rewrite the pitch for our merger meeting on friday. My boss also told me that I have to do to the pitch alone and that I have to travel all over the city with him tomorrow to go to every single meeting with him so I can't see any clients. It is currently 9:30 and night and I have just finished work.

All I knew was that I needed a drink so I headed to the Mikaelson compound

So as soon as I reached the door I slammed it behind me stormed up the stairs to drop my stuff in Nik's room and stormed back down the stairs. Nik walked over to see why I was making a racket and he takes one look at me

"what's the matter love?" he says laughing slightly and say 

"you me drink NOW" I say grabbing his arm and walking down to the wine cellar. 

About 2 hours later I was absolutely plastered and me and Nik were just laughing and talking utter bullshit. I had just finished a story when we heard someone coming down the stairs

"what the hell is going on here?" she says 

"Beksy!" I shout and I try to walk over her but my head starts spin so i grab a hold on the island.  She walks over and puts her arm around me to keep me steady

"how much has she had?" she asks Nik and he said 

"I don't know i lost track after the third bottle" he says and she shakes her head

"for christ sake" she says and i laugh

"its fine! beky boo! I wan wanted to drink. w work w what a shit show. Also also also I am crashing here and will need to borrow clothes " I say as I let go of her. I walk over to Nik and I say "is isn isn't that right?" I say wrapping my arm around him and he nods 

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