that was low - Elijah

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He tries to confront you

A/N: this part is inspired by SKYFALL and I have quoted two scenes from the film in this chapter. I DO NOT OWN THOSE OR THAT QUOTE.

"target down" I say as I was the body of my target collapse on the ground in front of me, I place my gun back in my holster and wipe some on the blood from my wounds on my dress. Good thing i wore black.

"well done agent, move the body and get out of there car is waiting outside. The disposal team will deal with it" my quartermasters' voice comes through my earpiece. 

"can't say it's my neatest work" I say as i drag the body into the ensuite of their room 

"well you have gotten a little sloppy" he says in my ear piece  

"how about you come have a go in the field instead of hiding behind your laptop" I say checking appearance in the mirror, i have a few visible cuts and bruises  but i'll walk fast before heading out the room. I weave through the people and I love the feeling on knowing they have absolutely no idea that there is just a body lying a few floors above them in the bathroom

"i can do more damage on my laptop before my first coffee that you can do 6 months on the field" he says and I begin to smirk

"oo talk dirty to me" I say as i enter the lobby and I weave my way through all the other guests, when i get to the entrance one of the security open the door for me so i give them a wink as i walk by. As I walk through the door I accidently brush someone's shoulder so I turn around to say a brief apology when my eyes meet familiar ones

"Y/n?" Elijah says slightly shocked and I stand there stunned for a moment 

"Elijah..." I say still in shock that I have bumped into my ex boyfriend just as I have finished killing someone, his eyes scan to see the cuts and bruises and i see his jaw tense . "what are you doing here?" I ask and a slight smirk appears on his face

"I am here on some family business. I would ask you the same question but I am sure that is, how you used to say, classified" he says making sure to point out the final word. Before i could respond a voice came through my ears 

"what's the hold up Y/L/N, we need to head back to the plane" a security agent says from the car and I nod.

"I have to go" I say before turning around and I see a black Mercedes SUV which i walk directly to and get in and get driven back to the airport.



"the mission was a success and they have not been successful in infiltrating the system and our sas team have managed to discover their headquarters and are bringing them in for prosecution as we speak. None of this would've been possible without the information you got so well done agent" my boss M says and I nod towards him 

"thank you sir" I say and he nods curtley 

"You are one of our top agents Y/L/N, I know i can always count on you" He says walking towards one of the many cabinets and pulls out some files  

"just doing my duty sir" i say and he nods with a slight smirk

"still lot's to be done" he says dropping a file which says top secret and my agent number on it "you ready to get back to work?" he says challengingly. I cock my head to the side and say

"with pleasure" He nods before motioning me to sit down and I do it immediately. He presses his intercom and asks his secretary to get my quartermaster and the chief of staff to come to his office for my briefing.

Once everyone arrived he explained that the FBI and the CIA are on a joint manhunt for the remaining members of a t*******t organisation and have asked some of our agents to come over and help on the ground hunt. I would only be over there for a month before i was needed back in London. So I said yes and we then began to get ready for the plane will set off in 3 hours. Q then takes me back downstairs so he can give me all the equipment I will need. There was one thing that I did not take into account that I would be back in America for the first time in three years, it wasn't until when we were finally in the air that it would also the first time since I broke it off with Elijah Mikaelson. Thankfully I will not be going to either Louisiana or Virginia but the thought of seeing him again makes me feel slightly uncomfortable. 

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