dream dream dream - Damon (request)

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⚡️TW⚡️ this part will deal with panic/ anxiety attacks so if that topic might trigger you please do not read or read ahead with caution ⚡️TW⚡️

A/N: There will also be references to the reader having autism, i have spoken to the person who requested this and have consulted with them on how to write from the pov of someone with autism (as i do not have autism/ do not have a thorough knowledge about it). Please be kind and leave some constructive criticism if there is anything wrong and i will fix it immediately as I want to learn.

thank u for requesting @paige_strange15 and i hope u like it💕

you have a bad dream, causing an panic/anxiety attack and he helps you through it

Damon and I had been busy all day trying formulate a plan, with the others, on how to deal with the next supernatural threat which is at large. Me and the girls literally came straight from college to the boarding house and we spent the rest of the day having debates on who will do what, who needs to stay out of it etc. 

I had already been super stressed because of school and trying to handle everything I began to get overwhelmed at this meeting. I could feel my heart racing in my chest, my hands get clammy, my mind began to race as I was aware of the anxiety building through my body. I couldn't concentrate so I couldn't articulate that I needed to leave. Damon heard my heart rate so he gently nudged me so I put my concentration on him, he gave me a slight nod to say I could go, I smiled at him and headed upstairs to his room. As soon as i entered his room and closed the door I felt my body instantly relax, I took a few deep breaths before slowly walking over to the bed then collapsing on it and closing my eyes.

One symptom of my anxiety is exhaustion, if I ever get into a situation when I can feel an attack coming on or even after an attack I go and take a nap. I become mentally and physically drained so it gives me an opportunity to recharge.


Third POV

Once everyone left Damon heading straight upstairs to where he knew Y/n would be sleeping, as he was walking upstairs he began to hear their heartbeat racing and them taking very short fast breaths. He knew instantly that they were having a nightmare so he raced to his room and open the door. Y/n was wriggling in the bed with beads of sweat dripping down their face. Damon slowly made his way forward and sad on the bed in front of them and placed a very light hand their leg and shook it lightly

"Y/n" he whispered but they couldn't hear so he repeated a little louder but not too much so he didn't startle them

"Y/n?" he says again, their eyes shot open and they shot up taking a deep breath before shooting back in the bed pushing themselves against the headboard

"hey hey, it's me I'm here" Damon says holding his hands up "you were having a bad dream ok?" he says but he received no response. Y/n stat there eyes frantic trying to catch their breath, not knowing what was real. This was not the first time something like this had happened whilst Y/n and Damon have been dating so he knew how to handle the situation.

"do you want to try and tell me what the dream was about?" he says very calmly and Y/n shook their head, Damon let out a breath he had been holding in. He nodded "Y/n know that you are safe, we are in my bedroom in the boarding house. Stefan and Caroline are in his room" he says and Y/n nods. "would you like to try listing things to take your mind of it?" he says and Y/n nods

"I - it's m monday" Y/n lets out and Damon smiles 

"yes it is" he says and Y/n takes another deep breath 

"me and Caroline a are going shopping tomorrow" they say and Damon nods "we are going out to dinner after" They say and they can feel their heartbeat has gone almost back to normal

"we are" he says. Y/n reaches forward and takes Damon's hand 

"thank you my love" they say and Damon nods

"no need to thank me" He says as he stands up "i'm going to get ready for bed and we can have an early night tonight, yeah?" he says and Y/n nods. They watch Damon as he walks into the en suite and can't help but let out a smile. 


A/N : sorry it's shorter than usual, if you like it and would like more parts like this please leave suggestions and tips below. 

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