is that what you want? - Damon

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He tells you he slept with someone another person

 "Y/n these dresses are gorgeous" Caroline says looking at herself through the mirror and the others nod in agreement

"i thought it would be nice if each of the dresses had a bit of individuality, you know, but still work as a set" I say staring and my best friends in their bridesmaid dresses. I begin to take in everything that is happening and how surreal this all is, a year ago we were all trying on dresses for Caroline and Stefan's wedding and now we are in the same bridal boutique looking for mine.

"you ok Y/n?" Elena asks walking over and I nod with tears welling up in my eyes 

"yeah just taking everything in" I say and she hugs me before I walk over to the other girls and hug them too before turning to have a look in the mirror at the dresses. We all admire them for a moment before Bonnie says 

"first Care and Stefan, now Y/n and Damon, who's next" and we all laugh then I see Carolines meet my gaze in the mirror and wink. the shop assistant then comes back to ask if we needed anything else and we shook our heads and the girls made their way to the dressing rooms to change back into their clothes. I scroll through my phone as I'm waiting and decide to message my fiance to see what he is up to and just to check in. Recently Damon has been acting really distant with me and at first i thought he was just having a bad day. but this has been happening for weeks now. I would see him first thing in the morning then at night before bed, the rest of the day is a mystery to me. I'm beginning to worry that he changed his mind. So I decide to try and call him 

it rings for a moment but he picks up wit his usual hello

"hey honey" i say 

"Hi baby, how's the fitting?" he asks

"really good the girls look gorgeous in them I can't wait for you to see them" i say 

"yeah yeah me too" he says and I say

"I miss you" I say and I hear a pause before he says 

"hey honey look i gotta go but I'll see you later yeah?" and with that he hangs up on me.  Lost in thought I didn't notice one of the girls come out to join me 

"he's with Stefan at the grille" Carolines voice brings me back to reality and i smile with a laugh

"oh right yeah" i say pretending I knew where he was the whole time and she gives me one one of her knowing looks and I sigh, the other girls join us and instantly become aware of the change in mood. "can we talk about this outside?" I  ask and they nod so I stand up and say goodbye to the shop assistant before rushing out of there to get some fresh air with the others trailing behind me waiting. I turn around and go to speak but I stop myself, what if I am being stupid

"what's going on?' Bonnie asks and I spit out

"ithinkDamonishavingsecondthoughtsaboutthewedding" it comes out in one breath and the girls stare at me

"are you serious? Did he say something?" Caroline asks but I shake my head

'not eplicity but he's been so distant for months! he barely talks to me, barely kisses me. quite frankly I think he is having second thoughts about me too" I say as the tears begin to well up and they all come to hug me

"Damon loves you so much Y/n, I'm sure there is some explanation for his extra Damon behavior" Elena says and the others nods

"how about we go surprise them at the grille. we will grab Stefan so you guys can talk? yeah?" Caroline says pacing hands on my cheeks wiping my tears. I nod and we hug again before making our way there.

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now