how your friends find out you're dating

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Katherine: I was putting the final few things in the picnic basket I was making for my date with my girlfriend. I haven't seen her properly in weeks has she is to busy tormenting my friends. Which makes trying to tell them we are dating even harder. It's been four months now and every time I go to tell them something has gotten in the way.

As I was puttin the last of the tupperware in I felt hand go over my eyes and I go to scream before her voice says 

"the cute one's here" she says and I roll my eyes 

"there is such a thing as knocking you know" I say and she spins me around and kisses me before saying 

"i'm impatient and want to kiss the love of my life is that a crime?" she says before putting my hair behind my ears and giving me a quick peck.

"nice try next time knock" I say giving her a smug grin before she releases me so i can continue to pack. I can tell she is watching me so I try to ignore her, but then she asks

"do you want me to pack some coca-cola in the cooler?" I nod then I think for a moment 

"shit I forgot to buy some" I say turning to her and she smiles 

"want me to run to the shops quickly?" and I say

"yes please, sorry I'm an idiot" I say and she shakes her head placing her hands on my hips

"no need to apologise, I'll be back in 5" she says before heading out the back door

"love you" I shout and she shouts it back. When i turn around I see Elena, Caroline and Bonnie standing there with confused looks on their faces "jesus you scared me" I say then Bonnie gives me a look

"who were you talking to?" she asks and I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out then I decide to say

"my... girlfriend" I say and they all say in unison 

"Girlfriend?!" I nods then before I can say anything else a voice comes from behind me and says

"sorry babe they only has pepsi" she says and i whip my head round to see her reaction and she looks up and she just stands there staring at them

"babe?" Caroline says and Katherine narrows her eyes

"problem?" she says walking over to me and wrapping her arm around my waist. They all shake their heads still in shock but I couldn't care what they thought, at least it's no longer a secret.


"do we have to go to school?" I say nuzzling my face into her neck causing her to giggle and pull me in closer to her

"yes because we have an AP Chemistry test, remember?' she says and I groan

"but I want to stay here with you" I say lifting my head up so I can look at her and she just smiles at me stroking my hair

"as wonderful as that sounds you know we need to go, especially if we want to get into the same college and get out of the town" she says and I nod before sighing dramatically and throwing my head back on the pillow causing her to giggle and pull the covers of us both trying to give me an incentive to leave. As she goes to stand up I grab her hand and pull her back on my bed, when she's back on there I lightly push her down so I can climb on top and trap her underneath me 

"Y/n..." she says trying to be threatening but i begin to leave a trail of kisses up her neck and I hear a small moan leave her mouth which only encourages me more. She gently puts a hand under my chin and pulls my face towards hers and crashes her lips on mine. Things slowly started getting more heating so we did not hear someone knocking on my front door. So we both jumped when we heard a bang and someone come crashing into my room

"Y/n Y/l/n we are going to be - OH MY GOD" the voice of Caroline shrieks in the room and we and Bonnie pull apart and she tries to pull the covers over us 

"since uh when?!?!" she shouts at us and Bonnie says carefully

"three months" and Carolines widen and I say

"surprise" I say jokingly and she sits down on the end of my bed 

"forget bed tell me everything" she says and both me and Bonnie share a look of 'oh brother'.


Me, Elena and Bonnie were studying in the grille and I realised that I forgot to bring one of my books so I decided to call Caroline to ask her to bring it. Unbeknownst to the other girls she was already at my house waiting for me for a romantic evening together.

"shit forgot my copy of War and Peace at home" I say 

"wanna borrow mine?" she ask and I shake it head

"It's ok I'll ask Caroline to swing by and grab it for me" I say picking up my phone and scrolling through my contact to see hers. I click on it and it rings a few times 

"hello honey" she says and I say

"hey babe, could you please swing by my place and grab my copy of war and peace I need it to study with" I look up and I see the two girls looking at me weirdly and it hits me

"are you still with them?" she asks and I say 


"and you called me babe?" she asks again and I nod


"well I guess they know" she says giggling.


Me, her, Damon and Stefan were all out drinking at the bar and Damon dared Elena to prove how much she was over him. And because we were plastered all walls were down so she grabbed my face and we began making out right then and there. 

Can't say we remembered much in the morning until all the questions came.


She got tired of hiding it so one evening when I arrived at their house she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the lounge towards where all her siblings were and she says 

"right you bastards me and Y/n are dating, we have been for sixth months and are in love. If anyone has a problem they can shove it up their arse" she says before pulling me away and up to her room. 

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