my future - Klaus

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(title says is all aha)

I have been living in New Orleans with the Mikaelsons for around 5 years now and it is safe to say I am very content with my life. I have a great job, amazing friends who I lived with, and incredibly handsome boyfriend of three years Nik. 

Back in Mystic Falls I had always been friendly with the Mikaelsons much to my friends dismay, so when i moved to new Orleans I messaged them to hang out and, we have been inseparable ever since.  Me and Nik have always had a flirting relationship but we never took took it further than a friendship, even thought we were both infatuated with each other. 

I had been in New Orleans for two years and I was fed up not knowing his feelings towards me, so one day I asked Nik to come into my room cause I needed to ask him something. As soon as he walked in the door and closed I walked over grabbed his face and kissed him. At first he was shocked but he eased into it eventually. I don't want to sound cheesy but it felt like fire works were going off in my body. It was electric.

I pulled away for some air 

"I um wan- wanted to see if you felt the the same" I say putting a finger to my mouth and he smiles

"well love, i am head over heels in love with you" he says looking at me "does that answer your question?" he says with a smirk and i smile

"I love you too" I say and he pulls me in.

It has now been three years and we are more in love than ever, I feel so incredibly lucky to be able to call this man my boyfriend. 

Something that comes with having a successful long term relationship is these questions 

when are you getting married

when are you having kids

you think your gonna settle down

aw no ring?

Trust me, me and Nik have had ,many conversations over the course of our relationship about where we see/want this relationship to move and grow. We have both made it very clear that we want to be a part of each others future. I love this man so much, I would go to the ends of the earth for this man.

I know I want to spend the rest of my life with him. And I can say with absolute certainty he feels the same. We are just in no rush to make it "official" or put a label on it. We love each other snd that is what matters to us. 


This morning me and Bekah were browsing online for a birthday present for one of our friends, we had no idea what to get her, we spent hours looking over every online store for inspiration. We decided to split up duties for our final go at it, I was looking for bangs and Bekah was looking at jewellery. What I didn't realise was that Bekah had actually found something already but got distracted looking at rings, engagement rings.  I look up and see what she is looking at 

"is there something or someone you are not telling me about?" I say jokingly and she retort with

"don't act like you have been looking at rings for years" she says and I nod 

"touché" I say standing up to join her

"ooo that one' she says selecting a gorgeous 2 carat diamond ring with a silver band, the main diamond supported by two smaller ones. I nod in agreement 

"simple" I say and she nods 

"have you and my brother been window shopping?" she says and I sigh

"not exactly, we have talked about the future but we are in no rush" I say and she sighs 

"does he know you want to get married?"she asks and I nod

"of course" I say and she rolls her eyes, but I see something click in her mind

"what?" I say and she smiles "how about we get this moving along, send him some photos of rings" and I look at her 

"why?" I say and she pulls me down 

"because it'll be funny and also will get him moving on actually proposing to you" she says and I moan

"i don't know" I say and she laughs then says

"come on, live a little" I look at her, I nod and start screen-shotting the ones I like. Once I do that I take a deep breath before sending them. I instantly regret it. Bekah stands up and pulls me with her.

"we're going for a walk" she says dragging me out the house. 

later that day...

Once we arrived back at the house I headed straight to the study because I knew that it where he would be. I knock on the door and I hear him say come in

"hi honey" I say closing the door, I see him sitting at the desk on his laptop

"hi love, can you come look at this I need your help with something" he says and I walk over to where he is. When I finally look at the laptop screen I see he is looking at rings, I look at the screen for a second before turning to him.

"why are you looking at rings?" I say and he smiles at me 

"because I know you and my sister intended to send those pictures as a joke however, it gave me the kick up the arse I needed" he says ands he pulls me so I am sitting on his lap

"what do you mean?" I say and he sighs 

"I know we have always said we are in no rush to make it "official" but seeing those photos made me realise that I don't want to wait anymore. And I want you to love the ring so I thought we could look together. Aka, i want to put a ring on it" he says making me laugh

"i love you but are you sure? you're not just saying this because of the photos?" I say putting my arms around his neck and he just smiles back

"I have never been more sure of anything in my entire existence" he says and I lean down and kiss him.


After about a month on searching we found the perfect ring, and I will be marrying the love of my life. 

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