I'm here - Kol

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TW - discussion of death, front line worker, grief  - if you need to skip this chapter please do and I'll see you in the next one. My dm's are always open if anyone needs to talk

"how is it? it's bad isn't it?" Elena says as I'm reading over her history essay for her and i am doing my best to ignore her so I can finish reading the last paragraph 

"you want me to finish or not?" I say and I hear her shuffle away leaving me alone which causes me to smile as I read the final lines. Once I finished i close the papers and take them over to where she's sitting and I leave her in suspense for a moment before she shoves me and i laugh "it's really good you'll be fine" I say and she sighs in relief. She reaches over to grab my paper as she's gonna proof read it for me and i walk over to my bag to grab my other homework that I need to finish for tomorrow. There's a knock on the door as i sit back down and i hear Jenna rush to the door and to very familiar voices fill the house and me and Elena share a look "read fast as I don't think we'll get much more work done" I say and she nods.

"your favourite people are here" Damon says  and I shake my head choosing to ignore him and concentrate on my book "hello? very handsome man sanding in front of you

"Damon let's go I told you they were working" Stefans voice rings out. Elena moves over to me

"you my friend will be getting and A" she says and I smile

"thanks" i say closing my textbook and turning to the brothers 

"HELLO?! you guy finally done?" he says and we both nod 

"calm down old man you've only been here 5 minutes" I say he walks over shoving me

"with essays we are done, homework no" Elena says and Damon groans

"but I'm bored!" he says and I laugh

"so you decided to come over an bother us instead?" I say 

"i tried to stop him" Stefan says and Elena walks over to him hugging him

"tried being the key word' she says kissing him which causes Damon to roll his eyes. 

My phone starts to ring in my pocket so I take it out and smile at the screen

"hey you" I say walking into the kitchen making sure to shove Damon on the way to get rid of the face he's pulling

"hello darling, glad I caught you, you on a break?" he asks

"yeah we just finished reading our essays and gonna finish our other homework once Damon and Stefan leave" I say and i hear a sigh

"my two favourite people" he says the sarcasm dripping from his voice which makes Damon zoom right next to me and says 

"don't worry Kol they are safe in my hands" 

"Damon don't think i won't kill you cause i will" Kol says and i sigh

"no one is killing anyone, honey i should probably go otherwise I won't finish til late" i say 

"message me when your done and I'll come pick you up" he says 

"you don't have to love, and anyway I'm still gonna be a while longer" I say smiling 

"you are worth the wait and I'm worried if I don't have a distraction i will murder the salvatores tonight" he says 

"ok I'll see you later, love you" I say 

"love you too" he says and hangs up. 

"I hate you" Damon shouts down the phone and I stare at him

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now