i tried - Stefan

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⚡️⚡️TRIGGER WARNING!⚡️⚡️ - this part mentions attempted suicide. if that topic is triggering for you please DO NOT read this chapter. my pms are always open if you need someone to talk to

 my pms are always open if you need someone to talk to

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You have another side, and when that comes out you have no control

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You have another side, and when that comes out you have no control. INSPIRED BY THE AVENGERS

A few years ago I was kidnapped by these agents, where I was tortured, interrogated, and brainwashed. They did experiments on me and I had no control over anything. In my head I am screaming at myself to stop but it's like I am trapped inside my own mind with no way out. They made me into this assassin with no remorse, all they had to do was say a few words and I became a this soulless thing that had no remorse and could kill anything. 

I was away for a good two years before Stefan and Damon hunted me down to try and snap me out of it. When they found me there was no trace of the me they used to know. I kept expecting them yo give up on me and just leave me but they didn't. On countless occasions I was horrible to them, injured them i was cruel, yet they did not give up. They have spent the three years helping me heal and trying to gain control of my mind again, helping to retrain me and just overall keeping me sane. If I ever get angry I am in danger of becoming the soldier so i need to remain calm. We came up with a word which will cause me to lose consciousness, we managed to train my brain to do this in case of emergency situations. 

Before I was taken me and Stefan had been dating for 2 years, and when I was finally found we had to start from the beginning again. I was no longer the person he knew, I have changed and I knew i needed time before i could consider any form of relationship. Stefan being Stefan was the most understanding person ever. He was there for me through every step of the way, he did not pressure me and after around 2 years of me being back we tried again.

Present day

I started to stir so I decided to open my eyes and I discovered that it was still dark outside, confused and slightly annoyed I reach for my phone which was on the nightstand and i see it is currently 4:30 in the morning. With a sigh I rub my eyes debating whether I should go back to sleep or not. 

Since I was already in a sour mood I decided to just get up and go for a really long run, recently these have helped me to forget about everything and get the anger out my system. I turn over to see Stefan still sound sleep so I stand up and begin to put my running gear on. I was in my own world that the voice of Stefan startled me

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