meet the kid - Nik

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you introduce him to your son

When me and Nik met it was as if we had known each other our entire lives, it was so easy with him. I could instantly be myself and for some reason I knew I could trust him. I have only had one serious relationship since being with my sons father. It ended very badly and it hurt my son a lot because he grew to trust him too. 

That was why when I started to really fall for Nik I grew nervous because I really loved him.I fell hard for him.

On our first date I knew I had to tell him about Mason

flashback to the second date

The wine had just been ordered to the table and we had just finished discussing my work when I thought it's now or never

"hey, um before this goes any further I need to tell you something, I should've told you on our first date but I chickened out" I say and he nods putting his glass down

"I'm listening love" he says flashing me a smile 

"now please understand there is no pressure after I tell you this, but I need to tell you now just so I know I am not wasting either of our times" I say and he reaches over putting a hand on mine and says 

"whatever you tell me? will not change a thing" he says and I give him a weak smile

"I have a son.... his name is Mason, he is 11 years old, I had in when I was 17" I say and he looks at me for a moment and smiles 

"did you think I would judge you for having a child?" he says and he takes both my hands "that just makes me like you even more, I hope I can meet him one day" he says taking a sip from his wine 

"really?" i say and he nods 

"yes, I have no problem with it" he says and I smile. He then spends the rest of the night asking me about him and his father. There was no sense of judgement or bitterness in his questions he was genuinely curious. I knew I wanted to see where this will go. 

It has now been two months and it is safe to say I am head over heels in love with Niklaus Mikaelson. He has become such a big part of my life, but I knew my son might not be so keen, he is still coming to terms with the fact me and his father will never be together. Then when my last relationship ended it was like we were back to square one.

Every time i mentioned Nik he would just dismiss it or get angry, I have even tried to invite Nik over multiple times but my son will always dismiss it so I had to cancel. But I have had enough of this, I need to set my foot down.


I was the head of surgery at our local hospital and i had a meeting with the board to go over some new precautions all the departments have to follow if we have any patients that show any signs of an infectious disease.  I couldn't give Mason a lift so I got up early and decided to make him a nice breakfast before I leave. 

As I was making my coffee I heard his feet prodding into the kitchen

"morning mum" he says as he sits down

"hey honey, I have a board meeting so I can't give you a lift in this morning are you ok to walk to school today?" I say and he nods and says

"yeah that's fine, I'll message Dan and see if he's walking" I smile at this and place the pancakes I made on front of him. 

"also one more thing, you can't make any plans tonight because Nik is coming over and we are going to have a nice dinner together" I say and I hear him sigh, he starts to stay

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