you - Damon - part 2

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thank u v much to everyone who wanted a part 2!! ❤️

A/N: please read part one before continuing, thank you!

A/N: please read part one before continuing, thank you!

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Third POV

Damon stood there in shock as he saw the woman he loved in the arms of someone he despised, before he could even think of what to do they have zoomed away. He sped to where she was just stood and took in a deep breath before punching the door frame creating a massive hole in the wood. 

"fuck" Elena shouts before turning away and pacing with her hands on her head

"HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN" Damon shouts as he turns around "HOW IDIOTIC COULD BE FUCKING BE" he says. Caroline walks over to Elena taking a hold of her so she will stop pacing 

"Damon calm down we-" Stefan tries to say before Damon sets off

"DO NOT TELL ME TO FUCKING CALM DOWN I HAVE JUST LET KLAUS TAKE THE WOMAN I LOVE WHEN I HAVE JUST GOT HER DO NOT TELL ME TO CALM DOWN" he shouts before grabbing the nearest thing to him and chucking across the room causing it to smash into a million pieces

"getting angry and worked up is not going to help the situation, we need to approach this with a clear head" Stefan says holding his hand up "we are going to get her back there is no way in hell we are leaving her with them" he says and Damon looks at him. Stefan saw in Damon's eyes that he was terrified so he nodded him offering a sense of comfort without words. 

"let's get to work" Elena says and they all nod heading into the living room. The girls head over to the sofa and Stefan hangs back with his brother who can't seem to move.

"I can't lose her Stef, I I can't" he says and Stefan places his hands on his brothers shoulders

"you won't, I won't let that happen. I'm not planning on losing my friend" he says and Damon nods. Stefan removes his hands and they both head over towards the others. 


Within seconds I went from the safety of the boarding house to in the arms on Kol Mikaelson at the Mikaelson compound. Kol walked me over to a sofa and pushes me down before sitting next to me so i couldn't move, Klaus walked over to a cart which had bottles of whiskey 

"care for a drink love?" he asks and I just stare at him wide eyed mouth slightly open, I am not sure what the right answer would be

"brother, you have made her speechless" Kol says and i shake my head

"no no thank you" I say causing them to laugh making me even more confused and scared than I was. Klaus sits down in the chair opposite us and just stares at me, I feel myself was to squirm under his gaze

"why me?" I whisper and Kol moves closer to me putting an arm around my shoulder pulling my body into his 

" i'm sorry darling you will have to speak up i can't hear a word your saying over the sound of your heartbeat" he says and I try and wriggle out of his grip causing him to hold me tighter

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now