we're not done - Damon

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you thought you made the right decision by breaking up, were you wrong?

We have all met up in the boarding house to discuss the plan of action for a ball the Salvatores have decided to host as a way to lure the Mikaelson siblings into a truce of sorts. As we seem to have exhausted all of our other options. Even thought this was decided a few days ago we are still not so sure.

"why are we hosting this ball again?"Caroline asks to the group. 

'to kill them, next question" Damon says sending a wink my way before Stefan interrupts

"we are doing this because extravagant events seems to be the only way they will be in a same room as us." he says and they continue on back and forth so I turn away and stare out the window not paying attention to their conversation. I get lost in thought for a moment before I feel someone move my arm to sit on the arm of the sofa i was leaning on and I look up to see Damon

"hey you" he says and I move my arm and put it on his leg 

"hi" I say and he smiles down at me and it feels like he's staring into my soul, they way he used to look at me "Damon please don't look at my like that" I say

"why not?"  he replies with a smug smirk

"because we broke up" I say which causes him to shake his head

"wasn't my idea, Y/n" he says and I stare at him

"I'm not yours anymore, Damon" I say and I see a twinkle in his eye

"I do not agree" he pauses before saying "we're not done"


To anyone who doesn't know us they would think we are a couple or just really close friends when in reality we used to be in a serious relationship. It end two years ago amicably because it felt like we had drifted apart romantically, we still wanted to remain friends. This has worked for the most part, until i started seeing someone. Damon then would not leave my side and begin to be very flirty and affectionate towards me. Causing my current partner to get annoyed and jealous and a rift to form between the two. 

I was stuck in the middle.

My partner and me would argue about my relationship with Damon and I would defend him again and again saying we are just friends and there is nothing going on but it they weren't having it. A few days ago they broke up with me because they didn't not want to be in a relationship with someone who still has feelings for their ex. And now I have no idea how to tell my friends this new revelation. Especially Damon 

I don't have any feelings towards Damon anymore. 



"you found a hot date to take to your ball?" I say and he sighs 

"yeah and I'm looking right at them" he says causing me to sigh 

"Damon.." I say and he laughs

"what? you already have one? oh yeah thats right you are still dating that dickhead with a pole up his ass" he says and I look downs at my lap "so, where's your boyfriend tonight?" he says 

"he's not my boyfriend anymore" I say and I felt his head whip around so fast

"why not?" he says placing a hand on my arm to comfort me and I don't want to shrug it off

"didn't want to be" I say and he scoffs

"idiot" he says and I look up at him and open my mouth to say something but Stefan interrupts 

"right that's settle let's get to work" he says and they all stand up and begin moving leaving me and Damon sitting there very confused because we were not listening.

"you two follow me" Stefan says and we both stand up immediately and follow him. It turns out we were the lucky people who got to go the the Mikaelson compound and invite them in person. I had never been to the compound before, as i was human the others usually kept me away, so I was intrigued what the home of horrendous people looked like. As we were walking Stefan was talking me through what he was planning to say and while I was paying attention Damon spent the entire time on his phone. I get that he probably doesn't care but this is quite a serious thing we are about to do and I would love to make it out alive and I was about to rip into him we turn left into their driveway and i look up at the massive mansion

"holy shit" I say as we start heading towards the front door and before either of the brothers could reply the front door swings open and out saunters the three Mikaelson brothers and my heart leaped into my throat. I was fully aware that I was the only human here and all five of them would be able to hear my racing heart and Kol looked right at me as if he read my mind and winked at me. He had always been the one that made me feel least at ease with his constant flirty comments and quite frankly lack or care that I had a boyfriend. His wink sent a shiver down my spine and I moved closer to Stefan and Damon. 

"do you lot have a death wish or something?" Klaus says and Stefan moves forwards slightly 

"me and Damon wanted to invite you all to a ball we are hosting next week, a welcome back to the neighbourhood party if you will" he says and Klaus just stares at him 

"why?" Elijah says and Damon says

"a peace offering, can't we have one night where we aren't trying to kill each other?" and Klaus and Elijah share a look

"we accept but aren't making any promises" Nik says before heading back inside the house and Elijah turns to Kol giving him a look before heading inside

"will you be there darling?" Kol says to me causing my breath to get caught in my throat and I freeze, Damon moves closer and stands in front of me slightly which Kol notices and rolls his eyes "stand down soldier I was merely asking a question" he says and I clear my throat

"I'll be there" I say and Stefan turns to me and nods

"save me a dance then" Kol says before walking inside and slamming the door behind him and i let out a breath before moving away from Stefan and Damon and began walking ahead so they don't see the effect he had on me. Walking pretty quickly as tears started forming in my eyes, my breathing fastened, I just needed to get out of there. I was so in my head I didn't hear Damon and Stefan organise a plan and Stefan sped of and Damon gently put a hand on my arm and turned me so I'm facing him

"focus on my Y/n, take some deep breaths for me ok?" he says and he starts to breath in and I try and imitate him and we stay like this for a while until my breathing slows and he says "I will not let anything happen to you" he says placing his hands on my cheek and I reach up placing my hands on top of his and I nod. He then leans in and places a kiss on my forehead before we begin to walk back to the boarding house. 

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now