little wolf - Tyler

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you were together before he disappeared but something's happened so you need to find him  

Here I was sitting on the floor of my bedroom leaning against my bed unsure what to do with myself. I was holding something in my hands that will change my life forever, it's also going to change his life forever.

A positive pregnancy test.

For the past couple weeks I had been feeling off and way more emotional than usual and I wasn't due for another week so I was struggling to think what could be the problem. It wasn't until I invited the girls over for a movie night and Bonnie chose Love, Rosie and it was during the movie the questioned popped into my head. My mind kept trying to come up with other possibilities and explanations to why I was feeling this way but everything came back to what if i was pregnant. I had missed my last period but I brushed it off because I had been really stressed with everything supernatural that has been going wrong and i have missed periods because of stress before. Plus I hadn't has sex in weeks, since the night before Tyler fled mystic falls with no explanation or goodbye. He just left. 

That night once the movie had finished I told the girls I had to leave as I needed to finish work for a class, which they bought, but I actually drove myself to the closest store and and bought some pregnancy tests. The girl at the counter gave me sympathetic glance as she scanned them through which made me want to cry so as soon as i paid i rushed out of there and drove home to take the test. 

All three came back positive. 

This all happened a couple of days ago. When I found out I immediately booked myself a doctors appointment so I could get a definite answer and they told me I was pregnant. Whilst I was there they asked about the father which just made me burst into tears and I just said he was away on a trip and I haven't been able to get a hold of him.


 Ever since I found out I haven't really left my house unless it was for class or I needed to get something from the store. Which wasn't very often as everything either smells or tastes gross to me now which is not fun in the slightest. The gang would message me to see if I wanted to hand out and I would come up with some excuse as to why I can't go, i just need some time to process all of this and to come up with a plan as to how i tell the uncontactable Tyler Lockwood. Plus i could not get away with lying about this in front of a bunch of vampires.

I pick up my phone which is on the floor next to me and I go to recent calls and my finger hovers over Tylers number. It is there from the million times I have tried calling him to get some form of explanation or goodbye but there is no answer. I can feel my heart race and I know that this might be the only way i can tell him so I click the button and it immediately goes to voicemail so I hang up the phone because there is no way I am telling him on his answering machine. 

A knock on the front door made come back to reality, i haven't ordered food and wasn't expecting anyone so I decided go ignore it. Which worked until they knocked again and the voice on Bonnie came through

"Y/n I know you're in there please let me in" she says and I sigh before standing up and beginning to walk to the door.

"I'm not in the mood for visitors Bon" I say as I make my way down the stairs, as I go to reach the bannister I realise I still have the test in my hand so I quickly make my way down the stairs and stuff it into the closest drawer.

"please it's just me and Enzo and we are worried about you" she says and I sigh before walking to the door and open it. They both smile at me and Enzo holds up a box

"we brought pizza " He says and i let out a laugh

"Come on" I say and Bonnie brings me into a hug and Enzo takes the opportunity to head inside. Once we pull apart she makes her way inside and I close the door behind her then Enzo pulls me into a hug.

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now