need you - Damon

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⚡️TRIGGER WARNING⚡️ mentions and reference of SA/attempted SA⚡️ please do not continue if you can't, if you feel effected or uncomfortable after reading this I will take it down. As a survivor myself I am here for you and with you whenever you need someone to talk to or someone to just listen. Just know you are loved and you are not alone❤️

Someone tried to hurt you

We were all hanging out at the boarding house as Stefan invited us all over for a takeaway and movie night in. This meant I could spend time with Damon. We have always been close and everyone says there is something going on between us. There has always been this unspoken attraction between us but we are both too scared to act on it. Everyone apart from me was in the lounge arguing about where to get the food from so I decided to take myself into the kitchen and try and get some of my reading done for class. I am studying English literature at university so i have a lot of reading to get through. Plus we have a guest professor for one of my modules so I want to impress him. As I was writing down a note I hear people come crashing in the kitchen a voice saying 

"Caroline leave her alone we can deci-" Damon tries to reasons but she shushes him

"Y/n help us! we have been arguing for 10 minutes and i can't take it anymore please help us" she says coming over and hugging me and I can't help but laugh. Damon smiles and says 

"I tried to stop her" he says and I mouth an it's ok before saying 

"how about we just get somes pizzas one veggie and one with meat? that way everyone is happy?" i say and she hugs me so tightly

"THANK YOU! see Damon!" she says before rushing back the others. Damon rolls his eyes at her and I can I hear her shouting making me smiles. Damon begins to walk over and sits on one of the other stools

"so how is Miss Karenina doing?" he asks and I smile at him surprising he remembers that I told him that.

"well the affair is still happening so I will let you be the judge of that" I say and he nods moving slightly closer to me.

"i take it this is for a module?" he asks and i nod

"for my Russian Literature class, I've read it before but wanted to take more notes, make a good impression on Leo" I say and a smirk forms 

"Leo? as in Tolstoy? has he risen from the dead" he says jokingly and a shove him.

"No, the guest professor. I want to impress him as he has amazing insight into Tolstoy's works and so much information, and as i want to write my dissertation on this I thought i could ask for his help. When he talks he is so passionate and you can see the excitement in his eyes, it's fascinating" i say. Damon nods and i can see his demeanor has slightly changed, more tense and almost defensive

"you seem quite taken by him" he says and I roll my eyes 

"I am not, it's just nice to talk to someone else who is interesting and as passionate about this stuff you know?" I ask and he nods and I swear I hear a sigh relief. He smiles at me as he takes something out of his pocket and place it on the table, I spot that it's a copy of 1984 by George Orwell and begins to read it 

"Your reading it?" I say slightly shocked and he nods lookings back up at me smiling 

"you said it's a classic everyone should read so... here I am" he says I smile at him "your eyes lit up when you talked about it and you look so adorable when you get excited so" he continues and I stare at him in awe not knowing what to say 

"well what do you think so far?" I ask leaning my shoulder against his and he says laughs 

"can a person be confused and intrigued that the same time?" and I nod agreeing with him

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