cheer up buttercup - Kol

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You've had a stressful day and he cheers you up

I turned the keys in the door of the compound opening the door with a huge sigh as you chuck your bag on the ground next to the door, you'll pick it up later, maybe,  and shut it behind you

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I turned the keys in the door of the compound opening the door with a huge sigh as you chuck your bag on the ground next to the door, you'll pick it up later, maybe,  and shut it behind you. Today was very long and draining and all you wanted to do was curl up in a ball on the sofa and sleep for an eternity. 

"hello?" I say in a tired voice to see if anyone was in the house, they're vampires i don't have to shout, after waiting a few moments not hearing anything I begin to make my way over to the sofa. I collapsed on the sofa sprawling across it leaving no room for anyone else and letting out a small groan. 

"hard day?" i hear the voice of Elijah coming from behind me and i give him a groan in response  "what happened?" he asks very nicely. I turn around so i am on my back and being polite by facing him when i answer 

"i spent the entire day trying to persuade one of my clients not to sue their boss for something stupid and not at all worth suing over. But they were being stubborn and were not listening to any of the facts. We got nowhere all day so i called it and said we will pick it up again tomorrow because I am tired and did not want to punch someone who is paying me to represent them" I say smiling once my rant was over and i see him nodding with a smile

"is it bad that I can image you doing that?" he says causing both of us to let out a laugh. i sigh as I sit up. Me and Elijah have always been close so it was nice to actually laugh for the first time today.

"where are the others?" I ask rubbing my face to try and keep myself awake

"Klaus is in mystic falls, Rebekah is out somewhere and I believe Kol is making his way up the driveway now" He says and as if by magic i hear the door opening

"everyone calm down, the handsome prince has returned" he says slamming the door behind himself before making his way over to the two of us. He smiles at his brother before turning his attention to me, his tired and fed up other half lying on the sofa. He lifts my legs before sitting down then placing them back on my lap. i raise my head slightly to see that he was already looking at me with those gorgeous chocolate brown eyes. 

"how was your day?" I say rubbing my eyes again

"spent the whole day chasing and tormenting people you know the usual" he says with a laugh causing me to roll my eyes. He smiles as beginnings to rub my legs with one of his hands

"rough day?" he asks and I nod sitting myself up so I can be closer to him. i smile before leaning forwards and giving him a quick kiss. He smiles before pulling me closer to him so I am basically now on his lap. I let out a sigh of comfort before the comfortable silence is ruined by my grumbling tummy

"hungry?" Elijah says laughing to break the silence and I nod. He stands up and says "I'll go rustle something up for the three of us, how does Chilli sound?" I give him a eager nod and so does Kol. Smiling to himself he begins to walk away. Kol then turns to me and says 

"the same client give you a hard time?" he asks and I nods bringing my hands up to my face again

"yeah and they just don't listen to a single thing I say I mean what are you paying me for if you are not going to take legal advice?" I begin to rant but I stop myself, so instead I lie back dow with a groan.

"come on then" he says standing up and raising a hand out for me to take, I shake my head and he rolls his eyes leaning down grabbing my hands and pulling me off the sofa

"KoOl" I say 

"Cheer up buttercup" he says as he leads me out the living room, I was about to ask where we were going but I noticed we were heading towards Nik's study. Before i could say anything we were already inside and Kol was closing the door behind us. I look at him as we wonders over to the shelfs that have all of Nik's record collection.

"why are we in your brothers study?" I ask as I begin to walk over to him. He looks at me giving me a cheeky grin before taking out a record and heading over to the player, he twirls it in his hand before 

"I am about to cheer up my girlfriend/boyfriend after they have had a long and stressful day" he says before turning back to face me. "Do you remember out first date in that little  night cafe?" he asks and I nod, the memory of that night bring a smile to my face

"yeah, how could I forget, we spent the night dancing along to the music" I say looking up at him as he placed the needle down on the disc. After a few second I realise the song he had chosen, it was our song (Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - O Children)

"you remembered?" I day as he walks over to me before pulling me in closer to him, I instinctively clasp my hands around his neck as he wraps his arms around my waist

"of course, it was when we were dancing to this song i knew i loved you" he says and I give him a smile before leaning  in and placing a soft kiss on his lips  as we sway to the music. He twirls me round and we just dance to the music. it felt like we were the only two people in the world, only we mattered. As the song comes to a stop we stay in each other embrace for a moment before we hear Elijah shout for some assistance. 

"thank you for being the best boyfriend someone could ask for" I say giving him a quick kiss before going to turn around to leave, but he pulls me back and smashes his lips onto mine. I stay shocked for a moment before easing into the kiss. As I was getting into it Kol is the one to pull away and he shouts

"alright brother jesus" he says before grabbing my hand and leading me out the study

"what did he say?" i say, obviously Elijah was muttering so only Koo and his supernatural hearing could here

"he was just being a bastard" he says causing me to laugh.

As we were all cooking together I could glance up occasionally and look at the two brothers working together in harmony. i would stop and smile at them and watch, thinking how lucky I was to have them in my life.

 i would stop and smile at them and watch, thinking how lucky I was to have them in my life

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