what more do you want? - Damon

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the beginning of the end of your relationship

"Damon we're back" Stefan shouts as we all pile in the boarding house after school, once inside i see my boyfriend sitting on the sofa reading a book so i wonder over and sit next to him leaning in for a kiss and he smiles at me then turns to the side so my lips meet his cheek. I'm confused for a moment before saying 

"hi" and he gives me a tight lipped smile

"hey" he says and i turn to look at Stefan ho offers me a shrug in response

"how're you?" I ask 

"good" he says not looking up from his book

"what have you been up to today then?" i ask trying to strike up a more than one words response from him

"just went out, saw some people" he says turning to me and I smile finally getting somewhere

"aw nice who with?" i say and it's like a flip switched 

"just some friends, what's with the fifth degree?" he says staring at me and it's safe to say I'm taken aback. Me and Damon have been having a few minor hiccups in our relationship recently, bickering, making arguments out of nothing, him going off in a huff. I assumed it was stress as we have all had to deal with a lot of supernatural bullshit recently and i knew he was under a lot of pressure. But, we haven't seen each other on a couple days cause i've been busy with school work and practice so I thought maybe this would've cooled off but clearly not.

"ok i'm sorry" i say leaning back in the sofa and i look to Bonnie who's sitting across from us and she gives me a 'what the fuck' stare and i just shrug before standing up and heading to the kitchen to get myself a drink, i ask everyone in the room and once they've all replied i head through and i hear Bonnie says she'll help and follows me through. Once the kitchen door is closed i turn to her 

"um what was that?" she asks and I shrug before reaching to my right and opening the fridge to get various coke drink cans 

"who knows" I say before handing her some cans and i start walking back through before she can ask any more unanswerable questions. As I'm handing out the drinks i hear that they're discussing the plans for the big game on saturday, as the boys are playing and we'll be cheering. Tyler says he'll host us all at his house after the match if we win but would need time to prepare

"so we could eat then head over?" Jeremy asks and he nods

"yeah if that's good with everyone?" Tyler asks and we all nod

"and if you lose?" Damon says which earns a stare from me

"we won't" Tyler says which earns some laughs, Elena nudges me and says

"we could head back to mine after the match and I could cook for us, Bonnie and Care, then these two?" she says pointing at the Salvatores giving me the ok to say no because of what just happened and i nod

"sure sounds great" i say. A little when everyone starts discussing their evening plans i turn to my boyfriend and say "hey i was thinking since we haven't seen eachother in a couple days i could stay over and we can finally watch that horror movie i recommended?" I say smiling and he sighs 

"i'm actually quite tired so don't know if i'm in a movie mood. Was thinking of having an early night" he says and i shrug

"that's fine we can do that" i say smiling and he says 

"not tonight, sorry" he says looking and me and I can feel myself cower slightly and i avoid his gaze and nod 

"ok" is all i say and i get the overwhelming urge of not wanting to be in the house anymore so I stand up "um i'm gonna head home so is anyone needing a lift?" i say 

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now