oh y/n - Elijah - part 2

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please read part one before continuing, thank you!💕

Before I can think my arms have wrapped around his neck bringing our bodies together his arms wrapping tighter around my waist almost lifting me up. My hands move to his hair and he moves one of his hands up my back and gently grips the back of my neck, running out of breath I pull away and that's all it took for reality to come crashing back and I let go of him and he doesn't let go

"oh my god" I say bringing a hand to my mouth wrapping my head around what happened and he smirks

"thanks" he says but I move out of his grip shaking my head

"what'd I do?" I whisper bringing my hands to my hair tears welling in my eyes

"Y/n.." he says gently

"how could I do that? i just cheated on Stefan" I say and i feel a hand on my lower back as he moves in front of me and i look at him "you kissed me even though I have a boyfriend?" I say and he stares at me

"why didn't you stop me?" he says quietly and I stare at him trying to find the answer "do you think he would think twice before getting into bed with Elena?" he says and I shake my head walking away 

"stop it" i say but he speeds in front of me stopping me in my tracks and he placing his hands on my cheeks so i can't move

"he doesn't deserve you Y/n he never has and never will. You saw what he did tonight he went right to protect her leaving you open for an attack. You know we'd never hurt you but they don't. You know deep down he doesn't care for you the same way he cares for her" he says and i shake my head and can't help a laugh slipping out

"way to kick someone when they're down" I say and he looks at me

"tell me you love him, look me in the eyes and tell me you love him" he says searching my face and I can't bring the words out

"I have loved you since the moment I met you, these past few years have been torture knowing I let you walk away. I will do anything and everything to prove to you how much i love you and make these years up to you. I know I hurt you and i'm more than willing to get on my knees and beg for your forgiveness" he says and i stare at him beginning to cry

"Lijah..." I say letting the tears fall

"i love you Y/n Y/l/n, the world does not exist beyond you my heart belongs to you" he says tears coming to his eyes and I completely melt, placing my hands on top of his 

"you let me go" I say sniffling and he says 

"i'll spend every single day of my life earning back your trust" he says and I look at him crying as he wipes the tears from my cheeks, he leans in and kisses my forehead. He pulls away and I look at him

"you still love me?" I whisper and he nods

"I never stopped loving you" he says "you are it for me" 

My phone starts ringing from inside my bag and we both know who it is as he has been trying to call me all night. I reached my phone Elijah clenches his jaw and he places a hand on my lower back as I answer

"Hi" i say quietly trying to act like I've not been crying

"are you ok? where are you?" he asks 

"i'm fine Stefan" I say 

"where are you?" he asks again 

"we just finished dinner" I say bringing a hand up to wipe away a tear "what happened after we left?" I ask

"they all left too, Elena is terrified so she's going to stay in with me and Damon tonight" causing me to roll my eyes letting out a sigh and Elijah scoffs before taking my phone from my hand before i can protest

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now