not so bad after all - Stefan

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your spending the holidays with your bubble after the horribleness that has been this year

It is safe to say this year has been different and not the easiest for everyone. Our whole lives have been put on hold because of this pandemic, we have to make sure we are doing everything we can to ensure the safety for our loved ones. 

I have been very lucky that I live with my boyfriend and two of my best friends; me, Stefan, Elena and Damon have all been cooped up in the boarding house together. Yes we have gotten on eachothers nerves and have needed out alone time, but, it has mostly been a really nice. I could not have asked for better company to be quarantined with. It hasn't been the easiest being stuck with your significant other twenty-four hours a day, every day for months. We did have our rough patches were we got into fights. But we came out of it stronger, and closer than ever. 

During the first lockdown me and Stefan had our five year anniversary, and this year I was hoping would be the year when Stefan maybe popped the question. He always would say he wanted it to be special and he didn't want to do it during lockdown so I knew that opportunity has been and gone. 


We have been keeping to ourselves and making sure to stay in contact with everyone, when we were allowed to meet up socially distanced. However since the winter season has begun the numbers began to rise and the christmas we had hoped to have seemed in the distance. The state of Georgia has gone back into lockdown, knowing we won't be able to see any people outside our house hold we invited Ric to stay with us until lockdown is lifted. 

Christmas will just be the five of us this year.

Since we were all feeling down in the dumps me and Elena set out on a mission to make sure we gave our boys the best christmas possible. We ordered lots of decorations and lights to spruce up the place, we placed a massive online food order for the main meal, lots of ingredients for baking. 

When they arrive we started preparing right away. Me and Lena were decorating the fireplace whilst the boys were doing the bannister, we have Michael Buble on in the background. 

"the boys are doing a good job" she says smiling and I turn round to see them moaning

"well you know the promise of sex does wonders" I say making her laugh "have you ordered all the presents?" I ask her and and she nods

"yeah the last few bits are coming next week, but Dams main present won't arrive until after christmas" she says and I nod 

"I don't know how I am meant to get Stefans and hid it without him noticing" I say and she laughs 

"well that's a you problem, not my fault you got him a car" she says and I shove her

"hey, he can hear you" I say turning to see him weaving the garland, luckily it didn't look like he heard

"do you have any idea what he's got you?" she asks and I shake my head

"I didn't ask for anything really, the only thing I could think of was a new keyboard for my mac" I say and she looks at me 

"come on there must be something?" she says and i shake my head

"no I honestly didn't want anything" I say stepping away. "I'm going to get another box from the basement" I say walking away. 



I watch Y/n leave the room , once she is out of sight I put down the garland and quickly walk over to her

"does she suspect anything?" I ask and she smiles 

"not a clue" she says and I breath a sigh of relief "when are you going to do it?" she continues and I shrug my shoulders 

"that's for me to now and for you to dot dot dot" I say smirking walking back over to Damon.

"still need me to hide the ring?" Damon asks and I nod

"can't risk your girlfriends spoiling it" I say and I here a defensive hey causing us both to laugh

"better not be slacking boys" Y/n says as she walks back in carrying more boxes of decorations

"of course not darling" I say and she rolls her eyes walking back over to Elena. I stare after her, all i think is I cannot wait to marry this girl. 


Your POV

Today has just been magical, we woke up to a blanket of snow over the garden. So we all got dressed and went for a lovely walk in the outdoors. When we arrived back we all got dressed up, made hot chocolates, cooked our evening meal, played board games and just spent some amazing quality time together. 

At the end of the day,we all sat down next to the fire with mulled wine and just had a relaxing evening. Elena came up with the idea what we all get to open one gift this evening. 

"right who is first?" I ask and Damon shouts 

"me!" as he stands up and walk over to the tree and picks up a box then walks back over to Elena

"oo from Y/n" he says as he reads the label before ripping the rapping to reveal a bottle of his favorite cologne "just what I needed thank you" he says before standing up and giving me a kiss on the cheek "ric your up" he says and Ric stands up

We all take it in turns before I am last to go, I stand up and head over to the tree

"what to pick" I say before seeing a box with my name of it, I reach for it "right whos this fro-" I turn around and the sight before me causing me to drop the present. I turned round to see my boyfriend down on one knee holding a small velvet box with a diamond ring inside

'I said I wanted it to be special and i just thought what could be more special? it's your favourite time of year, surrounded by the people who love you?" he starts. Happy tears start falling 

"I love you so much and I couldn't wait any longer, Y/n Y/l/n will you marry me?" he says and I nod

"yes!" I say running over and attacking him with a hug

This year has sucked, but my man just made it the best of my life. 

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