it's you and me, that's my whole world - Elijah

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He asks your siblings for permission to marry you

"well what did you think?" I say to Elijah walking out of the cinema, hand in hand, after dragging him to the latest horror movie with me and he smiles 

"honest answer?" he says and I smile at him "the gore was too fake"

"that's not the point they aren't meant to be realistic they're meant to be fun " I say nudging him slightly and he lets go of my hand and puts an arm around my shoulder

"it was funny how about that?" he says smiling smugly and I say

"ok" and he leaning in and kissing the top of my head

"you want to come back to mine?" he asks and I sigh

"I'd love to but my brothers are expecting me, I said I'd stay the night at theirs since I have no classes tomorrow and the girls do" I say and he nods

"they would just hate it if I stole you away for the night" he says and I laugh

"your my boyfriend they won't care" I say and he scoffs "hey they like you now" I say looking up at him and he gives me the really look

"they tolerate me because we're in a relationship" he says and I sigh

"Lijah.." I say and he squeezes my hands

"I'm sorry, we are getting along with them very well at the moment, mostly because we have not tried to kill each other in a while" he says and I smile 

"are we still on for tomorrow night?" I ask smiling and he nods

"of course, I'm setting everything up while you will be out with Bekah" he says just as we turn up into the driveway and i feel his hand tighten slightly as the house comes into view and I look at him

"why don't you stay here tonight?" I ask and smiles down at me wrapping his arms around my waist and I place mine on his chest

"i would love too but Damon has just made it clear that I'm not welcome, plus I just remembered something I need to talk to Nik about" he says and I nod sighing

"well I'll see you in the morning" I say and he leans down and kisses me, I move my arms to around his neck to deepen as he brings my body closer to his biting down on my bottom lip so he can slip his tongue into my mouth making me let out a small moan. I bring my hands to my hair as one of our phones starts to ring and I groan as we pull apart and get my phone out of my bag

"what Damon?" I say which causes Elijah to roll his eyes

"I would rather you not have sex right outside-" he goes to continue but I end the call and look to Elijah

"that'll be my cue" he says and I begin to pout, he brings a hand under my chin bringing my face close to his and he kisses me "I'll see you tomorrow my love" he says and I smile 

"i love you" I say and he kisses me again before reluctantly pulling away 

"i love you" he says and I smile before turning around and walking up to the door, when i look back I give him a small wave before heading in the house.


Once I make sure Y/n is inside and safe I speed back to the compound and head inside to look for my sister 

"Bekah are you hear?" I shout and a few seconds later she speeds from downstairs 

"yes I'm here" she says 

"you are still planning to take Y/n out all day tomorrow?" I ask and she nods a massive smile forming on her face

"yes I'm clear on the distraction plan" she says and I nod "I can't believe you are going to propose!!" she says jumping up and down

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now