FULL OF SECRETS - Stefan and Damon - part 3

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PLEASE PLEASE read the first two parts before continuing, they are towards the end of my first book. Thank you to everyone who requested a third part, this was one of my favourite parts I have written so it means a lot. Thank you my loves ❤️❤️

Once we leave the boarding house Damon speeds us back to my house, we stand there is silence as I unlock the door and let us both inside. I close the door and lock it as Damon walks downs down the hall into the lounge, I put the keys back in my bag and follow him to the living room and when I get there I see Damon sitting with his head in his hands. 

I place my bag on the ground and slowly walk over and sit next to him, I place a hand on his back and rubs lightly 

"I don't think I can ever forgive him" he says and my heart sinks to my stomach 

"Damon.." I go to say but he shakes his head

"I mean it, he has gone too far this time" he says raising his head so hat he's sitting up. He still doesn't look at be but instead stares at my unlit fire place "he is the most selfish person i have ever known. Everyone in his life needs to adore him and only love him and he can't stand the idea of someone liking me over him. He is the GOOD brother, he is the CHOSEN brother, he is a fucking saint and everyone needs to bow down to him" he pauses and he takes a deep breath "I have done some unforgivable things in my life but I have never intentionally done things to hurt him. He has always ALWAYS got the fucking girl then when he hurts them guess who they come to. Me. And when I have feelings for them he throws it in my fucking face" he says leaning back and I just look at him. 

My heart shatters at the sight in front of me, the man I love in so much pain and I have no idea what to say. He then turns to me and stares into my eyes, I reach for his hands before saying

"What you both said was in the heat of the moment, I know you both love each other very much. I think we need to leave it alone for a bit and then comeback together with a clear head, before we make any rash decisions" I say and he looks away before saying 

"I knew from the moment I laid eyes of you that I had feeling for you, that I was falling hard. This was way before he even thought of you in that way. I confided in him about that, then all of a sudden you were off limits, you were his girl. He knew my feelings for you were real, that this was different and he took you away from me" he says and I look at him still not knowing what to say, tears were falling on my face at this point.

"Damon.." I say and he grabs my hands 

"i'm sorry honey, he just really got under my skin today. The last thing I want to do is upset you" he says pulling me into a hug.

"I just hate seeing you two like this, you two are family I can't rip apart a family " I say and he shakes 

"you haven't this is between me and  my brother. None of this is your fault" he says. I don't believe him but I don't what to dwell on this any more today.I pull myself together a bit I look at him and say

"it's been an exhausting day, how about we stay in and watch movies in bed?" I say and he smiles 

"I love you so much" he says I smile before standing up taking his hand and leading him upstairs.


The next morning I woke up before Damon, I laid there for a while just staring at him sleeping before deciding to get up and cook us both a nice breakfast because I think we both deserve it. 

I made us the avocado and halloumi bagels we both like and I was just putting the finishing touches on them Damon comes in the kitchen 

"mm smell delicious" he says walking over and wrapping his arms around my waist and I turn my head slightly so I can give him a good morning kiss 

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