1780 a winter's ball - Elijah - (request)

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The Mikaelson family have been in my life for just over 3 years now, I met them when I was on a semester abroad from University

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The Mikaelson family have been in my life for just over 3 years now, I met them when I was on a semester abroad from University. I was studying music at university and on my first night in New Orleans I went to a jazz bar. Which is where I bumped in Rebekah and Kol Mikaelson for the first time. 

From that night I saw them everyday and I was eventually introduced to Nik and Elijah. From the moment I met Elijah I became infatuated with him. From way he carried him self, to the way he was always looking out for his sibling, he was such a gentlemen. I practically melted into a puddle. We have always flirted back and forth and there is this tension between us bit neither of us have acted upon them. 


When I had to go back to the UK I was devastated at the thought of not seeing any of them, especially Elijah sorry Beks. Even though we weren't dating I felt like I was going through a breakup. 

The day of my graduation, after the ceremony I walked out the building and I saw Kol and Bekah standing there smiling at me. I ran towards them and they surprised me with a one way ticket to move in with them. OF COURSE I SAID YES. 

So that leads me to now, 2 and a half years later still in love with the eldest Mikaelson and he has no clue. Bekah and Kol do and they are fed up of me pining after him. 

present day

Bekah, Kol, Nik and Davina were sitting in the dining room discussing the finishing touches for the ball they were hosting for my birthday, I didn't want a big fuss to be made about this but I of course had so say in the matter. I have just got dressed for the day and was about to walk down the stairs when I get cornered and pressed against the wall, as my eyes adjust to what just happened I realise I am backed against the wall with Elijah a few inches in front of me with a hand places next to my head so his arm is blocking me from escaping. 

My heart is racing and my breath hitched 

"have a good nights rest Y/n?" he says cocking his head to the side. I know that if I try and speak in this moment a horrible sound will come out my mouth so I just nod in response "you excited for your ball tomorrow evening 

 I know that if I try and speak in this moment a horrible sound will come out my mouth so I just nod in response "you excited for your ball tomorrow evening 

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