it's time - Damon

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you start seeing someone for the first time since you broke up

"come on he is so cute" Elena says to me and I shake my head taking a sip of coffee. We were sitting in the campus cafe on our break in between classes and one of the guys in our class walked past.

"he's not my type" I say just hoping she would drop the subject but she sighs 

"fine. Not everyone will be Damon" she says giving in taking a sip of her coffee and I give her a sad smile. 

"I know you are trying to help and I appreciate it. I know I need to get back out there" I say and she nods before looking outside the window at the rest of the students outside. "him flaunting around his new flings is not exactly helping. How am i supposed to move on when he is showing that in my face. Then if i broach the subject of another man he gets all defensive?  How am i supposed to move on when he won't let me" I say and she sends me a sad smile before turning our attention to the people around us. We both stare at them for a moment just thinking about what it would be like to be "normal" students. As my eyes scan i see a happy couple be all lovey dovey and I roll my eyes "get a room" I say causing Elena to laugh and place her cup back down 

"give them a break" she says causing me to broll my eyes again

"i just got cheated on i think i'm entitled to be a little sour" I say and she nods before looking at her watch.

"forget about him he does deserve your time or your energy" she says and I nod sighing "I still can't believe he cheated on you" she says and I take another swig of coffee

"you and me both" She was about to say something but she looks at her watch and her eye widened

"christ we are going to be late for lab" she says and I quickly down my coffee before we rush off. 

Later that day...

We walked outside the medicine building because we had arranged to meet Bonnie and Caroline for lunch but I heard Elena say

"what's happened now?" she says and I look at her then follow her gaze and my eyes land on Stefan and Damon walking towards us. When my eyes meet Damon's I started to fell all the emotions the night I found out he has slept with another woman and I have to pull my gaze away. I can't deal with that now.

"The Mikaelsons are in town so we wanted to check in on you and tell you to keep a lookout" Stefan says and we both nod. 

"do you have any idea why they are here?" Elena asks and they both shrug their shoulders 

"probably for Klaus to kidnap you so he can make more of his precious hybrids" Damon says causing me to roll my eyes 

"mature" i say and Elena begins to stare at him

"oh no I'm being ganged up on by some girls whatever am i to do" he says and causing us to narrow our eyes at him and Stefan to stare at him too

"hyrbids? is Klaus back?" the voice of Caroline rings out and they both nod

"so everyone please be on high alert" Stefan says and we all nod. I check my phone for the time as me and Elena have a shorter break in between class. 

"we have to go" I say and the girls nod in agreement and they say goodbye and I begin to walk away but I feel a hand on arm 

"have you got the vervain necklace I gave you?" he says and I turn around and gently take my arm out of his grip and am ready to say something incredibly petty but I decided to say

"yes, never take it off" I say and he begins to smile and I see a glimmer of hope is his eyes so I shake my head "Damon don't" I say and he goes to grab my arm again

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now