too clingy - Stefan

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you overhear a conversation between him and his friends

Today is mine and Stefans one year anniversary and it has been a wonderful year and these last few nights have been the longest we've been apart as i'm in the middle of exams so i'm very excited. Don't get me wrong it's good to have some time apart and me and Stefan are by no means codependent but we just love hanging out. My previous relationship had been very tumultuous and toxic, so when me and Stefan starting going out it's safe to say i fell head over heels. I needed a lot of reassurance in the beginning and he was amazing. Tonight was going to be amazing, i've arranged use a lovely dinner at a local restaurant. I'd just arrived at the boarding house to drop of my overnight bag, as i was spending the night, and to pick him up as i was driving us. I opened the front door and let myself in 

"hello" i shouted as i closed the door and there was no response, confused i head through and see no one's in any of the rooms downstairs. Just as i reach for my phone i hear some voices coming from upstairs, confused thinking how they could've have heard me I walk up the stairs and follow the voices to hear Stefan, Tyler and Enzo are also here, i followed the noise to Damon's room and saw the door is closed slightly open. I was about to walk over and knock but a voice stops me

"come on i think your exaggeration a bit" Enzo says 

"no no don't give me that, just wait until Bonnie never leaves your side then you'll see how it feels" Stefans says , my breath hitches slightly as i lean a bit more

"you haven't seen each other in days" Tyler says and my heart sinks, he was talking about me to our friends

"only because you all have exams, once they're over I'll be back to having a velcro(boyfriend/girlfriend) "Stefan says and my heart starts hammering in my chest, tears start to blur my vision

"hey , watch it, that's uncalled fior" Damon says and you smile slightly at him coming to your defense

"is it? I've not have an evening alone in what feels like months. I've not been out alone in the evening for weeks. Y/n always wants to come or if they don't come they asks 100 questions about it. They're so clingy i feel like i can't breathe, they're always hugging me or wanting to be near me its fucking annoying . I can't stand it. I couldn't even look at them the other day.." he continues on but I've heard enough and to be honest all i can hear is my heart beat hammering in my ears. I stagger backwards feeling my chest tighten and breath begin to get shorter. Wiping some tears away i move and head downstairs as quickly as i can. At the bottom on the stairs i run to my bag and i hear the front door open and i look up and see Elena 

"hey, surprised you're still here where's Stefan?" she asks closing the door behind her and turning to me and her expression changes seeing my face "everything ok?" she asks and i nod trying to make it look like i;m not crying or having a panic attack.

"yeah um he's upstairs with Damon, Enzo and Tyler but um, i'm actually heading out as I have a lot more work than i thought. Revision has totally taken over so, I'm gonna head but I'll see you later" I say walking towards the door 

"what about your dinner?" she asks and I look at her deciding to avoid the question "have you been crying?" she says and i shake my head

"if he asks, can you say i wasn't here?" not that he would anyway I thought and she looks concerned and confused 

"Y/n -" she says and i grab her arm

"Lena please, I'll explain later" I say  voice wobbling as giving her one last pleading look before rushing out the door and into my car and drive away making the 10 minute drive to campus, once I've parked I just sit in my car for a bit i knowing that if I went back to the dorm i would probably mope and cry and i don't have time to cry. Especially over a man. That wasn't a lie when I said to Lena I had a ton of work, so i took out the clothes from the overnight back i packed and put them in the back of the car so i only had my laptop and work in the bag. Locking the car door I started the walk over to the law library.

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