selfish - Elijah

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He admits his feelings for you when you are with someone else 

"please come back alive" the voice of Elena says to Stefan as she hugs him not wanting to let him go 

"i'll be fine" he says and she rolls her eyes 

"you know what i mean, this is the mikaelsons we are talking about" she says and he nods 

"i'll bring my brother back in one piece" Damon says smugly and I shove him slightly 

"you will both come back alive or you will have me to answer too" I say and Damon takes my hands in his and pulls me in and plants a kiss on my forehead and I turn to him. I look at him as he gives me a smile "I mean it Salvatore" I say and he nods leaning in and planting a tender kiss on my lips before pulling away and saying 

"you will not lose me" he says before letting go of my hands and walking over to his brother who is letting go of Elena. She walks over to me and links my arm in hers as we watch our boyfriends walk out the door to meet the Mikaelsons.

One thing I should mention is that I actually knew the Mikaelsons before I met everyone from mystic falls. In fact I considered them some of my closest friends on the world, I was closest to Elijah. Me and Elijah almost dated, by almost I mean we were in love and we cared deeply for each other. But he couldn't commit. So instead of staying in the city which broke my heart I left and moved back home. And here we are a few years later and the past still coming back to haunt me. 

"want to go shopping to take our mind of this?" Elena and I nods leaning into her

"thought you'd never ask" I say before we both begin to get ready for our retail therapy. 

Some hours later..

Elena asked if we could go into levi's for a moment as she wanted to try some jeans she's had her eyes on for a while as soon as she entered the shop she grabbed them and went to the changing room. I was just having a little browse through the shop and I spotted this cute top from across the room so I made my way over there but a hand went over my mouth and the other arm snaked around my waist pulling me into a changing room, I was about to start screaming into their hand until they turned me round to face them and that's when I saw him 

Elijah Mikaelson

"it's me, calm down, it's ok" he says and and I try and steady my breathing and i widen my eyes hoping it will translate into what the fuck are you doing? "I'm sorry for frightening you Y/n but I needed to see you" he says as he slowly removes his hand from my mouth but is other arm stays around my waist 

"was the hand over the mouth necessary?" I say causing him to laugh slightly which helps me to let out a laugh. Oh how I missed that sounds. We both stare at each other for a bit before he says

"I just... needed to see you. You haven't left my mind Y/n" he says and my heart begins to race and his gaze is making the heat rise in my cheeks so I look down so he can't see the effect he still has on me 

"you could've called or even said hi instead of attempting kidnapping" i say which brings a smile to his face 

"would Elena have let that happen?" he asks and I give him a knowing look before he sighs letting go of me and moving away slightly. He sighs before continuing "i should go before I make myself late but.." he begins to trail of and I look at him

"but?" I say moving closer to him and he looks back up at me

"can we have dinner no strings attached just.. two people catching up. I'll even ask your boyfriend" he says and I give him a wary look and he softens his gaze "please?" he says and I nod 

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