arcade - Damon

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this part is based on one of my favourite songs of all time

Arcade by Duncan Lawrence

You know how you will fall in love three times in your lifetime:

The First love

The Hard Love 

The Love that Lasts

No one warns you about them, they just expect you to go through all them emotions and come out the other side happy and content. When I first met Damon Salvatore I thought he was going to be the love that lasts, he was everything I ever wanted. Little did I know that this love would break me.

When me and Damon first got together it was a magical, we spent every waking hour together and never stopped thinking about the other. So many years of pent up feelings finally coming out and we never wanted to be away from each other. We loved each other with every fiber on our beings, but that couldn't over shadow all the darkness that followed us.From the outside we looked like the perfect couple, so happy and in love. Content with each other. I thought this was going to last forever. But once the honeymoon faze was over, we were back to reality. Every bad sign that we pushed away came back to light.

Trying to make our relationship work, towards the end, sucked the life out of me. I was a shadow of my former happy self. The girls ended up doing an intervention to ensure that I finally break it off from Damon and end this air of toxicity. 

flashback to the night of the breakup

I was sitting on the sofa of the boarding house twiddling with my thumbs waiting for Damon to come home so I can get this over with. Elena dropped me off and she said she would be waiting by the phone for my text signaling her to come an get me. As I was trying to get my words together in my head the door opens and I hear him whistling

"y/n, what's going on?"  He says taking off his jacket and I avoid eye contact and say

"i think we need to talk" I say finally looking up and he nods

"ok, let's talk" he says leaning against the door frame . We both stood there in silence no one wanting to initiate the conversation. Even though we both knew this was for the best and neither of us wanted the others feelings hurt, it was hurting us more staying in this relationship

"i think we both agree that this relationship is no longer working, that is no longer making us happy" I say and his expression doesn't change " do you? do you not agree?" I say once again avoiding eye contact 

"i mean i still love you, does that not count for something?" he says and i sigh

"i love you too Damon, but can't you see this is killing us? we fight all the fucking time, we never show affection anymore, we have both said and done some unforgivable things" I say and he laughs 

"is this about Aaron?" he says and I nod

"YOU KILLED SOMEONE DAMON AND NOW I HAVE TO LIVE WITH THE GUILT BECAUSE YOU ARE DEVOID OF FEELINGS" I shout now breaking down in tears an collapsing on the floor 

"devoid of feelings? i thought you broke my heart so i rip open Aarons neck, THAT is how much control you have over me" he shouts back 

"and i am still here that is how much control you have over me" I say. He walks over and sits on the sofa putting his head in his hands. 

"Damon.." i say and he lifts his head both of us have tears streaming down our faces

"loving you is a fucking losing game" I say and he nods 

"so we are over?" he says and I nod

"yeah..." i say and he nods. He stands up and slowly walks over to the door, he grabs his jacket and leaves the house, leaving me crying on the floor

But when we finally did everything didn't go back to normal at once, my heart had broken into a million pieces. His love was all i knew, I didn't know how to survive on my own. 


I left mystic falls for a while so i could try and regain some control and it was the best thing I did, I think if I didn't leave me and Damon would not be on good terms. But after some time apart we manage to form some sort of friendship, we both still loved eachother but we knew that we couldn't be an US anymore.


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