heaven or hell? - Damon

767 15 4

TW - mentions of murder, injury, death

you find out what she did and you want revenge

"do we have a deal?" Klaus says nursing his drink and I just sit there staring at him. I had arranged to meet him as he said he has some information which I would want to hear, I knew this could be a bunch of bullshit and he just wanted to get under my skin. Or perhaps he thought I would give him information on Damon or Stefans plans. Either way I was not going to budge until I know whether he will be of use or not.

"we haven't made any terms yet?" I say smirking and he laughs

"I have information, those are my terms" he says and i narrow my eyes at him not quite understanding 

"what do you get out of giving me information? what's in it for you?" i ask and now he is the one smirking 

"well once you find out the truth I will have the pleasure of watching you burn this town to the ground" he says and I give him a skeptical look and I begin to lean back in my chair. This has to be bullshit because what could he possibly say to make me want to destroy this town, I try and wrack my brain to think of anything that would make me that angry. I scan his face to see if there are any giveaways and it was only when I saw a twinkle in his eye that it hit me

"my parents" I say monotone and his smug smirk crawls back on his face and he begins to lean back in his chair knowing he now has full power in this conversation

"ding ding ding" he says taking a swig of his drink and I continue to stare at him unsure whether he was just trying to get under my skin. But something tells me he knows something

"what could you possibly know?" I say but it comes out very squeaky not expecting him to have gotten under my skin this fast. 

"I know who killed them" he says leaning forward not avoiding my gaze, i pick up my glass with a shaky hand and down the rest of my drink "you know her too" he says and my heart sinks

"I- I know her?" I say and he nods. The feeling of rage building inside me, my grip tightens around the glass causing my knuckles to whiten. All I know about the death of my parents is that it was the work of a supernatural creature and that they were completely drained of blood. Damon and Liz refused to let me see their bodies as their were mutilated and he and Liz didn't want me to have that image in my head for the rest of my life. Even though I said he could compel it out of my memory. Another thing they claim is that they don't know who did it but i refuse to believe them.

"you deserve justice for your parents and this person deserves what's coming to them Y/n" he says and I continue to stare at him

"how do I know you aren't lying" I say and he let's put a sigh

"as you said before love, what do I gain from this?" he says and i scoff

"the destruction of people's lives?" I say and he gives me a look

"what about your life? haven't you suffered enough?" he says and I look at him for a moment and he leans forward and places a hand on mine. I know i should've slapped his hand away but I can't seem to find the power to move "I want to help Y/n, I actually like you" he says and I scan his face again unsure what to do.

"ok" I say and he goes to open his mouth but I hold a hand up "imma need another drink first" i say and he nods flagging down one of the waiters and ordering us more bourbon cause I am too sober to hear what he has to say. As soon as they are within reach I grab my glass and take a huge swig, I know I can hold my liquor but I needed to be aware enough to be able to understand what he is saying to me. He gives me a wide eyed expression before taking a deep breath 

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