maybe - Nik - part 2

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please read part 2 before continuing this part, thank you so much!

Whilst Nik was upstairs reading Hope a story I sat back down at the table trying to think about the kiss we just had. So many emotions came over me and all I could think about was how his lips felt on mine, I traced my fingers over my lips remembering how soft they felt. How amazing it felt to kiss him. Lost in thought I didn't notice when Kol and Rebekah  enter the room

"Y/n?" Rebekah's voices snaps me out of my thoughts and I look up to see the three siblings looking at me sitting alone in their kitchen

"Hi.." I say not sure how to react to this situation. Me, sitting in the kitchen of the people that are supposed to be our enemy.

"not that I don't love looking at you darling but what are you doing in our kitchen" Kol says sauntering over and sitting next to me winking

"oh tonight's the date!" Rebekah says with a smile on her face and I start to blush and look down trying to avoid all their stares. A million questions starting coming at me so I don't notice when Nik comes back in the room

"sorry about my siblings love sometimes they forget boundaries" he says as he hold a hand out for me to take and I place mine in his. Electricity instantly which makes my heart flutter. And he leads me out of the kitchen and into his study so we can have some privacy. Once the door is closed behind us I turn around and we just look at each other for a moment.

"how's Hope?" I say which brings a smile to his face

"she's asleep" he says "sorry she interrupted" he says and I shake my head

"that's ok, she was a cute interruption" I say not really knowing what i meant to I place a hands to my forehead and he moves closer to me and take my hands in his and I instinctively move closer to him. 

"where were we?" he asks and I smile leaning up so our lips meet again and i move my hands so they are around his neck and his stay firmly on my waist keeping my body plush against his. We stay like this until I reluctantly pull away for some air, still keeping my hands where they are 

"wow" is all I could muster and he lets out a small laugh 

"thank you love" he says and I smile at his goofiness and we just stare at each other for a moment before I say

"i like you Nik" I say and I see a change in his eyes a sort of sparkle "I like this" I say with a smile and he nods 

"I like you Y/n" he says leaning in again but we get interrupted by my phone ringing, i apologise and quicky head to my purse and grab my phone and see it is Damon calling me 

"it's Damon, i should take this" I say and I see Niks demeanor change 

"of course" he says putting on a smile as i answer

"hey Damon" I say 

"are you ok? where are you I went to your house and you are not back yet, did he hurt you?" Damon says and i sigh rolling my eyes causing Nik to smile 

"Damon I'm fine, he did not hurt me I'm still at the compound" I say walking over to Nik

"you're still there?!" he says 

"yes and I was having a grown up conversation until I was interrupted by my phone ringing" I say and before Damon could reply Nik takes my phone and lifts it to his face

"if it would make you feel better Damon i can drop Y/n home and you can interrogate them then and waste your breath explaining that I am the big bad hybrid and to stay away" he says and I can't help but laugh as Nik gives me back my phone "he hung up on me so I will take that as a yes" he says and i shake my head as i gather my things and following him out the door and towards his car

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now