I get what I want - Enzo

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Damon and Stefan told him that you are off limits

"don't even think of trying anything" Damon says trying to act all brotherly and to try and warn Enzo as he is adjusting his suit jacket in the mirror causing him to roll his eyes. I am not a Salvatore or related to Damon and Stefan but they took me in when I ran away from home and have been my chosen family since i was 11. This was around the same time I met the rest of the gang. But they didn't interact or meet for a few years. have always considered them my brother and they treat me like their little sister.


"my mind on the mission not of Y/n's naked body don't worry" he says knowing it would get a rise out of him and I roll my eyes from the top of the stairs adjusting my appears in the movie

"thanks" i shout from the top of the stares and I can hear him laugh before I start making my way down the stairs making the boys turn to me and I feel Enzo's eyes scanning my body in the figure hugging outfit Caroline lent me. 

"wow" he says making me smile and Damon shoves him

"no" is all he says before he wraps an arm around my shoulder I let out a big sigh before I pull away and do a spin "will this be enough to attract his attention?" I ask and I hear a sound of agreement from Caroline and Bonnie, Stefan and Damon don't say anything and Enzo says

"Definitely" and I send him a wink before I walk over and grab my purse from the side table and grabbing my car keys signalling to Enzo it is time to go. Damon and Stefan go over the plan another time before we finally manage to say our goodbyes and actually make it out the house. Once we reach my car we both get in and there is a moment of silence before Enzo breaks it "you ready to put our best acting skills to the test" he says and I smirk 

"but darling I will not be acting" I say in a joking matter causing him to laugh but little does he know that that is the truth. We then spend the rest of the journey just chatting adn trying to come up with a fictional backstory for our fictional love affair. What I love most about this is that they might not even show up and we have gone through all this effort for nothing. I mean either way i still get alone time with Enzo so I cannot complain.

We arrive at the restaurant and as soon as I open the door I feel Enzo place his hand on the small of my back and guide me in, as I am heading towards the Maitre D he leans in and whispers

"they are sitting at the table in the back" and I nod expecting him to move immediately but he stays there for a moment and lets his lips brush my earlobe, causing shivers all over my body and my heart to instantly start racing. Once he moves away he then greeted the maitre D "table for 2 under the name St John" he says and he nods guiding us through the restaurant. The entire time we are heading to the table Enzo's hand is still on my back and doesn't move until I go to sit down. 

"would you like a drinks menu?" The waiter asks and he hands us both the menu and I speak up this time

"a bottle of your finest red please, after all this is a celebration isn't it honey?" I ask and Enzo nods 

"indeed it is Darling" he says and the watier nods before walking away. My eyes begin to scan the restaurant and I spot the table of vampires in the corner and I become increasingly aware that I am probably one of the only humans in this restaurant, who knows who else they have undercover. As I was lost in thought Enzo reaches over the table and gently places one of his hands over mine and brushes his thumb over the top of my hands "what's going on it that pretty head of your?" he asks and I flick my eyes in the direction of the vampires and back again knowing they will be listening in on our conversation 

"just how lucky I am to have you" I say playing it up and he sends a wink my way before he leans back in his chair and takes a sip of his wine. We spent the rest of the evening acting like a true couple and making sure to really get the attention of our targets. We spent the evening laughing and playfully touching each other, so much that it felt like we were actually on a date and I would keep forgetting the reason we were actually there.

"ok ok ok truth or dare" Enzo asks me as we are slowly eating away at our shared desert. Tiramisu, my choice. 

"truth" I say putting the spoon in my mouth then slowly pulling it out which caught his attention, he quickly turns to look if the group of vampires are listening in which they aren't so he asks 

" how do you truly feel about me" he asks and I sigh as I take another small spoonful of teh delicious dessert and I stare at it for a moment before replying

"I really like you Enzo and that is so much so that tonight felt like a real date and I'm sad that I have to keep reminding myself it's not and that I don't stand a chance" I say and I see a small smirk form of his face and he replies 

"you won't have to worry long darling because I feel the same way and tonight just solidified how much I want you" he says and I smile before he says 

"and I always get what I want 

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now