catch me if you can - Enzo

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someone else saves you 

"why have been given so much homework when we have our assignment next month" I say as me and Elena are walking out of the medicine building into the campus grounds and i get a shrug in response. It is shocking how much work they expect us to do whilst trying to sort out our placements and keep up with all the reading. If all the supernatural bullshit wasn't enough for us to deal with

"and I'm not even close to confirming my placement" she says and I give her a sad smile. I managed to confirm mine the other week so I'm glad I have one less thing to worry . We continued to rant as we made our way through the campus to where we said we'd meet Caroline and Bonnie for lunch, as Elena was speaking I felt something speed past me really fast which caught me off guard and made the two of us stop in our tracks

"that was weird" she said and I nod 

"I know" I say unsure what to make of it, we both look around to see if we can spot anything out of the ordinary but find nothing. I see Care and Bon in the distance but they were there before and I don't see why Care would just randomly speed past us. We begin walking and something catches the corner of my eye, a figure, so i turn to look and I see something speed away "I just saw someone over there" i say to Elena pointing and she nods linking on of her arms with mind pulling me close and we pick up the pace to get to the girls. They notice our demenours so explain what and we decide it's probably best to skip the cafe lunch and head over to the cafeteria so we can be in a more public setting and less likely to be cornered. On our way over Elena messaged Damon to tell him what happened and he immediately was on his way. 


I was explaining to the girls what I'm going to the doing on my placement when I hear Care say 

"come to join the party?" she says and I feel a pair of hands rest gently on my shoulders and I look up at my gaze meets those beautiful brown ones

"wouldn't miss it for the world" he says before sitting down on the bench next to me "hello gorgeous" he says before leaning in and kissing me quickly before sitting down, I then see Damon and Stefan so I give them a quick smile

"so what did you see?" Damon asks me as he moves to sit beside Elena and I say

"well as we were walking to meet them I felt someone speed past me which was the first weird thing as I knew Caroline was ahead of me and Lena was standing right next to me. Then as we're walking i saw someone in my peripheral vision and when i turned to get a look they sped away" I watch and him and Enzo share a look and the rest of us keep looking between them

"you guys obviously know something so spill" Bonnie says turning to Stefan and I feel Enzo tense next to me before Damon starts to speak

"We believe that there are people in town who want to start up experiments again like what happened to us in Augustines. Vampires have been going missing and we know that a relative of the dickhead that experimented on us is here, as a professor" he says and we all share a look and i feel Enzo's grip on my hand tighten so I begin rubbing my thumb over his palm to try and comfort him

"jesus" Bonnie says

"you ok?" I ask turning to Enzo and I see his jaw tenses

"i will be once we have put and end to this" he says and I nod giving his hand a squeeze

"thought we burnt them all to the ground" Damon says looking at him and they share a look and i can tell they're scared. Enzo has told me what him and Damon went through in those years and I would not wish that upon anyone. I would try and comfort him but he doesn't like to think about it and Damon doesn't tell Elena anything so we just do our best to comfort them when they need it.

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now