memories - Kai

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!TW! - this part may contain content that will be triggering to some viewers, so please read ahead with caution. If you do read ahead and you need to talk to someone my inbox is alway open so drop me a message if you want to ❤️

(this part contains mention of grief and talk of depression)

(p.s I am going on a break from writing, I wrote this before I put up 'advice' but I just didn't post it. But here it is, I don't know how long my break will be but I hope to be back soon)

it's your wedding day and your loved ones help make it so much more special

Usually for young girls and boys the thought of having a wedding day and getting married fills them with excitement and joy. It is something they have dreamed of sing they were young, there are countless dream boards and folders planning out every detail down to the minute. That used to be me.

Since I was a little girl I could not wait to get married and have a massive celebration with all of my family and friends, to marry the love of my life, now as an engaged woman about to get married, this is the last thing I want.

A few months ago, my mother died unexpectedly which caused my whole world to come crashing down. She was my rock, I was on the phone to her every week (almost daily), I could tell her anything, she always had the best advice, she was so affectionate and the most loving person you ever met. She always looked for the best in people and would never say no to anyone. She could read you like a book and would always give you what you need before you even ask for it. 

When I first introduced her to Kai, she said he was a keeper. I trusted her more than anyone else. 

Now she is gone.

When it happened we were putting the finishing touches on the day, but after that everything stopped, we post boned the wedding and me and Kai moved in with my dad for a while. I didn't want him to be alone, i didn't want to be alone. 

It's been around four months and the big day has arrived, again. I thought at this point I wouldn't be ready but I knew she would want me to celebrate. 

Kai went to a hotel with the boys and was staying there until the wedding, which is tomorrow, and the girls have come to my dads house and are staying the night. 

I had a bit of time by myself before they arrive so I decided to sit by the fire and just be with my thoughts. My family dog Mila came and sat next with me, like she knew I needed some love. So I cuddled with her and just stared into the fire. 

I didn't know how long I had been there for but a voice brought me out of my thoughts 

"cosy?" I turn to see my dad walking in and sitting on the chair next to me. 

"yeah, just needed to think you know?" i say and he nods. 

"I know honey, I miss her too" he says and I nod, as another thought of post boning comes into my head and he speaks up as if he heard my thoughts "she wouldn't want you to cancel again, she doesn't ;ike being made a fuss of" he says slightly laughing at the last part. I let out a litttle giggle 

"yeah, I know. it's just going to be hard" i say and he puts an arm on my shoulder

"I will be with you every sep of the way" he says and I turn around and pull him into a hug. W stay in each others arms until we get interrupted by my phone rigning. I [ull away and pick it up to see its Kai. I smile 

"hey darling" I say and I hear him laugh 

"hello to you too, how's it going?" he asks 

"good, the girls are on there way so me and my dad are just chatting and getting the house ready" I say 

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