If I didn't believe in you - Stefan

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A/N!!! this part is inspired by the song "If I Didn't Believe in You" from the Jason Robert Brown musical "The Last Five Years". There will be lyrics from the song included in this. All rights go to JRB and everyone involved. Thank you

Maybe married life isn't on the cards 

Me and Stefan arrived at the boarding house separately, as planned as I had a meeting which I said will run over so I will be late. What I was not expecting was him standing in the driveway looking angry leaning against his car. I take a deep breath as I take my key out the ignition and step out the car and the first words he says to me after a long day is

"your late" and I sigh

"i told you it was going to run over and what're you doing outside anyway?" I say 

"is a man not allowed to greet his partner?" he says holding an outstretched hand, I roll my eyes talking his hand as he leads us into what used to be his home, at one point our home. We walk over and I say hi to everyone and very keenly take Damon up on his offer of a drink asking him to make it strong which earned a look from Stefan which just fueled me more. They all asked about work and I very excitedly told them about the the merger deal our company is making and how me and the CEO will be travelling to New York to finalise everything. This is my first big project as the new COO for the company so I'm really look forward to proving myself. Elena brings up something she remembered from her last trip there and I feel Stefan tap me and say

"you didn't tell me about this trip?" he says and i smile at him

"it was only decided today so it's very new" I sat turning away

"how long for?" he asks and I turn to him

"as long as it takes to secure the deal" I say and he nods

"right... will I need to come with you then if it's going to be this long will we need to rent an apartment" he says and I look at him

"please can we discuss this at home?" I say taking a swig of my drink knowing I will definitely need to come pick my car up in the morning, when I turn back to the group I make eye contact with Bonnie and she gives me a looking asking if I'm ok and I nod smiling. Me and Stefan have not told our friends that we have been having marital issues, especially to the point where Stefan has staying in a hotel for the last few days. The past few months has taken a tremendous toll on our relationship. With my new position in the company I come home a lot later and i travel more which means we are not spending as much time together. And with the Mikaelsons in New Orleans and Sybil, Kane and everyone gone there isn't an imminent supernatural threat, not having something to do makes Stefan agitated as there's nothing much for him to do.  We have always supported each other in our goals I;'ve supported him through everything we have been through and every stupid supernatural decision he has  and this new role has been one of mine and now it's finally come around Stefan seems to see it as more of an inconvenience. I know he has a problem with it but he won't tell me, he doesn't tell me anything anymore. I don't know all this is stemming from him feeling stuck in his place and seeing me move forward is hard, but he won't tell me and everytime I try and ask it becomes an argument. I'm starting to feel like a burden for pursuing my dreams.

"I'm going to go check on the food then set the table" Elena says and I stand up too needing to get away from him before I say something in front of the others that I'll regret

"I'll help" I say and she nods leading us through to the kitchen and once we are inside the kitchen she walks over and closes the door behind me

"what's going on?" she says keeping an arm there leaning on the door and i look at her confused

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