testing the water - Enzo

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you both keep teasing each other and you are fed up of waiting for him to make the first move

Does something ever happen to you and it turns your entire world upside down and you feel like your life is crumbling away

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Does something ever happen to you and it turns your entire world upside down and you feel like your life is crumbling away. Yeah? that has just happened to me. The moment Enzo St John walked into my life. He completely swept me off my feet and I had no idea  what to do about it. It was obvious that we both have feelings for eachother but neither of us will suck it up and make the first move, so for the entire year since we met it has been non stop teasing and torment. Even our friends are fed up of our antics. Yesterday Stefan cornered me and said if one of us doesn't ask the other one out soon they will lock us in one of the cells and leave us there until we have admitted our feelings.


This morning I woke up and I was in a mood, I stormed from my room downstairs to make a coffee. I brushed passed my roommates (Tyler and Caroline) and headed straight to the kitchen and put the kettle on

"woah, what's up with you" Tyler says and they walk in rubbing their eyes and I sigh

"sorry, i just woke up in a bad mood I'll be better after my coffee" say as I det out cups for all three of us

"Stefans ultimatum?" she asks and i nod and they sigh 

"well what are you going to do?" Tyler says and I look at them for a moment before an idea forms in my head, I begin to smirk putting my mug down then walking back to my room to get dressed. Leaving them both confused they begin to follow me and i shout

"get dressed, you are about to see a show" I say before closing the door behind me. I open my wardrobe and shift through my clothes as this outfit needed be amazing, after around 5 minutes I found one and I began to do the rest of my routine. When i left my room the other two were dressed and waiting, I grabbed my keys and I said

"come on, we are off to the boarding house" I say and they share a look before following me out the door. We sat in the car in silence, I think they were expecting me to reveal what we were doing but it needed to be a surprise. I wanted to see everyone's reaction and for there to be no give away that this was all a ploy. 

When i pull up into the driveway I see Enzo walking up as well, I make eye contact with him as we drive past and he winks at me. Not going to lie that made me almost crash the car and I had to shake myself out of it. When i parked the car I quickly checked my reflection, as I was doing so Enzo came and open the door for me

"you look ravishing" he says and I look down so he can't see me blush, I stand up and close the door behind me

"thank you, thought I would put in a little effort" I say and I turn to the other two who got out the car

"go ahead you two i need to talk to Y/n for a moment" Enzo says moving close to me and putting an arm around my shoulder pulling me closer. I give then a nod and they both go inside to see the others. I turn to Enzo who was already looking at me "hello gorgeous" he says and I wriggle his arm off my shoulders and move so he is leaning against my car. 

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