we'll be ok - Stefan

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He always protects you but this time he couldn't 

"do you have to go?" Stefan mumbles into my neck as we are cuddle up in his bed together after I stayed the night, i let out a short sigh before saying 

"you know I would love to stay but I have to finish my packing " I say leaning down and placing a kiss on his forehead before gently move him so i could move to the edge of the bed and check my phone to see if my brothers or sister have message me. Just as my hand reaches the phone I feel his arms wrap around my waist and pull be back down so I am on top of him and I start to giggle before patting his arms

"Stefan.." I say in a knowing tone and he lets go allowing me to sit up and finally check my phone to see numerous messages from my brothers and sister.

"do you know when you will be back?" he says and I shrug my shoulders cause I honestly don't know 

"whenever Nik and Lijah have secured a deal" I say and he sighs causing my heart to sink and I turn so I can see his face and see the sad expression. Being a part of the Mikaelson clan makes me not the easiest person to date, especially when my siblings have a complicated relationship with my significant other. No we are not related by blood but they took me in after I lost my entire family and we have had an inseperable bond ever since They are insanely protective of me since i am the youngest and human, which, is one of the reason I have to go with them to New Orleans as they don't to leave me alone in Mystic Falls. The Salvatores being the main reason.

"so never" he says and I sigh as I move closer to him and take his hands in mine so he is now looking at me and I stare into his eyes for a moment 

"I won't be away long ok you know my family they either threaten or kill their way into getting what they want, give it two weeks tops" I say which causes him to let out a small laugh and his smile to come back and he looks at me for a moment 

"how are you in any less danger there? Do they not think I can protect you?" he says and I sigh letting go of his hands

"Stef.. come on" I say standing up and walking over to begin gathering my things

"do they not trust of me or something?" he says and I turn to him and my face gives him the answer he needs "course" he says and my heart sinks again. I walk over to him and kneel in front of him 

"Stefan I trust you and I know you'll keep me safe who cares about their opinion" I say and his eyes search my face and he nods lightly "these clans are more dangerous than the ones here that's why they want me close so they can keep me safe. Once the deal is done then you can have me all to yourself" I say kissing his hands and he sighs

 "I'm sorry for being a dick, I'm just going to miss you" he says and I nod leaning up and kiss him lightly before pulling away

"I'll miss you too" I say and he smiles before leaning in again and kissing me. We pull away again and i stand up going over to my clothes. Not even a second later the doorbell begins to ring and i roll my eyes knowing that will be Kol. I speedly get dressed so I don't keep him waiting long and minimise the chance of an argument happening. Stefan follows me down the stairs and when we arrive we see Damon and Kol in a heating conversation.

"Y/n let's go before i kill him' Kol says and I nod racing to get my shoes on but Stefan places a hand on my shoulder

"what's the rush you don't leave until tomorrow?" he says and I can see the anger boil in Kol's eyes

"Stefan.." I say warningly 

"the rush is so I don't rip your head off when that is all my brothers have been dreaming about" he says and I turn to Stefan 

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now