dada - damon - 2

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please read part 1 before continuing, thank you!!

I ran towards the bathroom as fast as I could, I just needed to get away from the table to compose myself

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I ran towards the bathroom as fast as I could, I just needed to get away from the table to compose myself. I didn't realise that Bonnie has followed me there so when I reached the sink thinking I was alone i just burst into tears. When i looked in the mirror I saw Bonnie and she walked over and just pulled me in, she didn't even need to say anything for me to know she just wanted me to let it out. 

It's like the flood gates of heaven just opened, all the tears and agony that I have been suppressing for the past two years are coming out in a bathroom. 

We stayed like this for about 10 minutes before I pulled away, she wipes my cheeks and put my hair behind my ears 

"better?" she says and I nod 

"yeah a lot, thank you" I say and she grabs my hand 

"I must be the worst mum ever I should be fucking ecstatic thank by baby boy said his first word!" I say and she shakes her head

"no your not" she says and I nod

"I I just didn't expect it to be that one y you know?" I say and she nods

"y/n you have nothing to be upset about ok, you can't control what a babies first word is going to be and who they say it to" she says and I nod turning back to the mirror just to check my appearance. 

"we should head back" I say and she nods grabbing my hand as I lead her back to the table. As soon we are through the doors that lead back to the restaurant area I see Damon standing by the door, holding Sam

"y/n can we talk please?" he asks and I nod

"of course" I say, Bonnie rubs my arm before heading back to the table. As soon as she leaves Damon starts to speak

"y/n listen I am so sor-" before he could finish speaking I put a hand over his mouth to stop him

"hey hey listen to me, please stop talking" I say. He breaks and nods telling me to continue

"there is no need to apologise ok? this was not anyones fault, we have no control over his first word. Wr should just be excited that it happened? isn't it amazing?" I say taking him from Damon and resting him on my hip.

"who's the smartest man? huh? i think it's you!" I say poking him in the stomach causing him to giggle. 

"you sure you're not mad?" He says and I shake my head

"no of course not! I'm just happy that was his first word. I was upset at first, seeing as he missed it. But now I think it was perfect" I say smiling at him. I lean forward and give Damon a peck on the cheek before heading back to our table.

Once we are all back at the table we stayed there for a while before I had to head off with Sam

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Once we are all back at the table we stayed there for a while before I had to head off with Sam. Damon needed to do something but he said he would be over later.

A few hours later...

I just put Sam down from the night and was ready to just relax in the lounge with a book until Damon arrives. As soon as I picked up my book from my room there was a knock on the door. I ran down the stairs and placed my book and the baby monitor down, I checked through the peep hole who it was and I saw Damon.

"hey, come in" I say stepping out the way then locking the door behind him. Before I could say anything he zoomed towards the stairs then into the living room and back, I  just stood there not quite sure what just happened. When he came back he grabbed my hands 

"can i show you something?" he asks and I smile slightly 

"in my own house?" I say and he nods smiling like a little kid. "o..k?" I say. He then turns round leading me into the lounge.

Once we get there I notice there are photos laid all over the coffee table, he lets go of my hands and I walk over to see they are photos of Sam, and me and Sam, his family, our engagement, the lost goes on. I stand there in shock

"what is all this?" I say and he joins me 

"I thought tomorrow you could show your son all of these photos, tell him all the stories about his father. How his father was a great man" he says and I turn to him.

"where did you get all these?" I sat lifting up one of me and him 

"I was actually in the house gathering these but also asked the girls and your family to gather any that they thought could be good" he says and I smile hugging him

"I can't believe you did all this, and how I didn't hear you" I say laughing and he squeezed me kissing my forehead

"I can be sneaky when I want to be" he says and I pull apart starring at him

"you're amazing" I say kissing him and he smiles 

"I know" causing me to roll my eyes and shove him

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"I know" causing me to roll my eyes and shove him. 

Even though he can be annoying, I am extremely lucking to call him mine. 


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