pfft never - Jeremy

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@Gpiggy20 thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!

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@Gpiggy20 thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!

My dad is a detective for the CIA so growing up I was used to moving around and not really being settled anywhere. The most I had spent somewhere is around 3 years in Boston Massachusetts. 

So, knowing this I never made many friends because I knew I would be leaving them at some point and I wanted to make sure the pain would be minimal. I  made at least three close friends in every place I have been, and I have only kept in contact with the people from Boston. 

But one thing that helped me keep memories and tied with all the places was that I kept a diary. my dad gave it to me when we first moved for his job, and he said it will help to write down what i am feeling. So I did and have continued to right in it everyday. 

About a year ago I we moved to a small town called Mystic Falls and this is where I am staying until I finish school. My dad has to stay in Boston since it was a huge case and he knew he wouldn't be home a lot so he suggested me and my brother go to mystic falls, his sister (our aunt) is an estate agent there and got us a great deal, so he has started renting it and he will join us soon. 

This has definitely been my favourite place i have lived, it is such a nice town, everyone here is friendly. I knew as soon s I set foot in mystic falls there was something different about this town. Had know idea that there was supernatural beings but I knew something was different.

I have made the best friends I could ever ask for here, they are all so lovely and welcomed me with open arms. As soon as I met them I felt instantly comfortable with them. However I am definitely closest with Elena and the girls, I also have a HUGE crush on Jeremy. 

But we are just friends. Yeah. It sucks.

They tried to hide the supernatural from me at first, but I walked in on Damon feeding on some poor girls neck and that was that. 

Elena is aware of my crush on her brother and always teasing me whenever i am over but I just keep my head high and tell her to drop it. But all the girls kept bringing this up. She even threatened to show him my diary but I managed to 

To people outside of our friendship group you would think that me and Jeremy do not like each other. I have actually been asked why do I hang out with someone who I don't get on with and i would always reply it is just our humour. Because it is.... i think. We would always but heads, call each other out, name call you name it. Sometimes I would even wonder if we are friends.

we hung out a lot because I was constantly hanging out with Elena so he would sometime tag along.

One minute we would be at each others throats then the next we would be laughing so much we cannot breathe. 

its fucking confusing!

Caroline would always say it is his way of saying he likes you and has a crush on me but I know he doesn't.

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