talk so pretty - Kol

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You aren't good for each other but neither of you can leave

"so you are just going to walk away and not talk about this?" The voice of Kol says from behind me as I start grabbing things to put in my bag for college. I sigh before saying

"yes because otherwise I will say something I might regret and I don't want to start this day off with an argument" I say grabbing my keys before checking my reflection in the mirror. I look at him in the mirror and I see him taking a deep breath before slowly nodding

"probably a good idea" he says and i turn around so I am facing him. I slowly walk over and place a gentle kiss on his lips, when I pull away he lets out I sigh. I give him a sad smile before turning and walking out the door. 


Kol and I have been dating on and off for around two years now, a lot of people would be surprised to hear we have lasted that long. There has been many many arguments and threats of breaking up. Actual break ups as well but we always found out way back to each other. We got together at first thanks to Bekah, my best friend and Kol's sister, because she thought we would be a match made in heaven

more like a match made in hell.

At first it was paradise, we were so carefree acting teenagers falling in love for the first time, nothing could stand in the way of us wanting to be together. He would travel back and forth between Mystic Falls and New Orleans every weekend just to see me, because he could not stand being away from me. I made sure to apply for a college in Louisiana so I was closer to him. Nothing could get in the way of our love. 

Until that night.

I was at a college party with my roommates and we ended up getting a little to drunk, at the party was a guy is my psych class who had asked me out a few times but I said no because I have a boyfriend. We were talking and I ended up kissing him. Just kissing nothing more, but as soon and I mentioned this to Kol the worst was assumed which i don't blame him for. I cheated on the man I love. That one awful act was the catalyst for our first breakup. 

We eventually got back together but this time it was Kol who did the cheating.

This has been going on back and forth for the past year.

... present...

"another argument?"  the voice of my best friend Mike says bringing me out of my trance, I laugh 

"how could you tell?" I say flicking my text book closed 

"you ordered a cold bru which is the drink you get when you have been up all night for deadlines and exams, or, you have been up all night bickering. Now, we have no upcoming deadlines or exams so there is only one option" he says and I smile before leaning back in my chair

"you are good" I say laughing and he joins

"well i am studying to be a psychiatrist so.." he says and I roll my eyes 

"yeah yeah I know, I am too" I say and he smiles leaning forward

"so?" he asks and I sigh

"he brought up the college party again last night so that started a domino effect of past wounds. He is deflecting and won't admit he doesn't trust me" I say and Mike nods. I look up and see our other friends Cynthia and Ryan coming to join us. 

"do you trust him?" Mike asks which makes my heart sink, luckily for me before I had to Ryan interjected

"woah what did we just stumble into" he says and I shake my head

"doesn't matter, how's it going you two?" I say leaning my head on my hands smiling at them

"well it mine and Phoebe's anniversary tomorrow..." Cynthia starts to go on but something clicked in my brain which made me want to scream at myself in annoyance. That is wjy Kol has been acting hurt

"fuck i have to go" i say franticlally grabbing my stuff and stuffing it into my wag

"what's happened?" She asks and i say

"i forgot about mine and Kol's anniversary" I say and all their eyes widen and I nod goodbye before running out of there. 


I reach the Mikaelson compound and I burst inside, only planning to drop my stuff off and go out to start planning things, but when i entered I saw balloons and flowers everywhere. I drop what's in my hands and i just stand there stunned unable to move. My eyes wonder the scene in front on me. In my heart i know this should be bringing me joy and all the feelings of love and admiration i have for him. Instead it brings up feelings of sadness and a sense of loss. This is something that i should've remembered and been significant in my mind but it wasn't. 

Kol had heard me come in so he slowly walked towards the foyer and leaned against the stairs, my eyes meet his bringing me out of my mind and I say

"happy anniversary" I say defeated and he nods

"happy anniversary" he says giving me a sad smile back and I look down putting my hands in my pocket 

"why are we so bad at this?" I say looking back up at him and he lets out a chuckle

"because the universe has it out for us?" he says and I give him a sad smile 

"i think we know why" I say and his smile falters "you don't trust me, you haven't since.." I start to trail of 

"you can't trust me either" he says and i shake my head letting some tears that were building up finally fall. We both stand there unsure what to do with this information

"i don't want to lose you, i still love you I I"I start to sputter and i can see him taking a deep breath "I mean you see what happens every time we break up we get back together" i say and he says 

'You have my heart Y/n you you have this power over me. i can't trust you but I love you too much to let you go!" he says getting emotional and I nod in agreement 

"you have my heart too" I say and he shakes his head in disbelief as he wipes away some tears 

"listen to us?! this is toxic we are in a toxic relationship Y/n! we have both been unfaithful yet we end up back together?" he says and I nod just letting the tears happen

"we we can't go on like this Kol" I say now fully crying. He walks over to me and guides me to the nearest sofa, where we sit down. 

"so then we agree... this had to end" he says and I look up at him and nod before fully breaking down into tears. He pulls me in so I can't see him crying and we just stay there holding each other. 

Everything was already said.

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