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A/N not going to lie this part is a mess, I had an idea that I wanted to do and this is what came of it. I will probably delete it aha (there is no solid romantic or platonic relationship in this). 

you come from a powerful family 

I grew up in the upper east side of New York and I could get anything I wanted at a snap of the fingertips. I am from a very powerful family, the mention of my last name and people fear me and will ensure I get anything I desire. They run New York city, my father runs New York City. And he plans for my brother to inherit his empire and for me to be by his side when he does. I never really wanted this life for myself, so I worked very hard my entire life to get through on my own merit. It was going well, I went to Columbia with a scholarship thanks to my grades and now I work at a very good law firm. I changed my name and it worked for awhile until my father came into work one day and everyone then realise who I was.

Now I know you will want to know how I came to know the mystic gang:

Caroline had come to New York on business and she was interviewing one of my clients so we knew each other on a professional level. But I bumped into her, once business was finished, at one of the hotels my family owned. So I invited her for drinks and we got on extremely well, it was like we had known each other for years, she is the girl friend I've never had. We wanted to keep in touch after she left. 

And that was around two years ago. We talk everyday and I have visited her in Virginia when i needed a break. 

present day

I had just left my apartment and was heading into work cause I had a big board meeting. i looked up from my phone briefly to make sure my car was there

"morning Matteo" I say to my driver and he nods as he opens the door for me

"morning miss" he says. I was about to step in when my phone begins to ring and I see Carolines name



I was walking downstairs when I heard lots of commotion in the lounge so I go in to tell everyone to leave but Stefan stops me at the bottom of the stairs

"Sybil has out a bounty on you and Enzo, you guys need to leave now and hide" he says and i roll my eyes brushing past him

"i am not going to cower from her Stefan" I say and i hear him sigh

"this is serious Damon!" Elena says as the grabs my arm to turn me round "this is a perfect opportunity for every single enemy you have made over the years to come and get revenge" she says and I look to Enzo who was standing in the corner

"we both know she won't give up until we are dead" he says and I stare at him for a moment "they are right mate, we have to disappear" he says and I nod

"fine, and how do we plan on doing that?" I say and Caroline speaks up 

" i have a friend in New York, she's very powerful. She can make it like you guys never existed" she says and I look at her

"who is this friend" I say and she scrolls on her phone

"i can't say" she says and she puts the phone to her ear. I listen in and i hear someone answer, a woman

"Care hey, look i am on my way to a very important meeting can this wait?" the voice says 

"Y/n, no it can't. Look two of my friends need to disappear for a few months someone very bad is after them. We don't have many options and I know you don't like doing this but we could really use your help" Caroline says pacing and I hear a sigh from the other end of the line

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now