family forever - Katherine (request)

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request by @naticiasoler, hope you like it :)

I don't say this enough but thank you to all my readers, I love you all so much


Everyone in the supernatural world knows who my sister is and knows of her existence. No one knows about me. I am her younger sister. And before you start no not a biological one but Kat took me under her wings when i was only five, she took me under her wing and i have been with her ever since. We became inseparable. She is my best friend and nothing could tear us apart.

Except for two brothers who go by the same Salvatore who were both infatuated by Katherine and were at one point obsessed with her. She also couldn't stop messing with them and they have been tormenting each other or milenia. So much so that she is trapped in a tomb in mystic falls with something called a moonstone. What they don't know is I am trapped with her. 

"what is so important about this bloody stone? " I hiss at her when I know Stefan and Elena are out if ear shot

"it's my leverage from the people who want me dead Y/n, I need this if I am to continue to be alive" she says and I roll my eyes 

"does this leverage need to be in a dirty cave? we have a perfectly comfy hotel room which we can continue to hide leverage in" I say and she turns to me grabbing my arms 

"once it is safe we can head back there ok?" she says and I give her a look

"I am a vampire to, remember?" I say and she sigh

"YES a new one at that and as I have said before we will move when it is safe" she says standing up to see if the coast is clear and I immediately follow her and I hear another sigh and she says "ok let's go" and she grabs my hand and we speed out of there and to our hotel. We had found a lovely place in a small town just outside mystic falls and we felt it was a good place to lay for for a while until we decide what the long term solution is.

Couple days later

"I'm bored" she moans at the breakfast table as she fiddles with her food and I take a sip of my coffee 

"well what do you want to do about it?" I say and she looks at me and I can see the mischief grow in her eyes along with a childish grin "no" I say and she leans forward 

"but it will be fun!" she says and I sigh

"weren't you the one banging on about needing to lie low and be careful. Going back to mystic falls with do the exact opposite" I say and she nods

"I know I did and we will be careful but at ;east if we go we can have some fun, terrorise some people. Hey you can even attend school!" she says and my eyes widen at that

"really? I can?" I ask smiling and she nods

"no one knows who you are so i don't see why not plus you are the brains of this whole operation. Need to keep you busy and for some weird reason you like to learn " she smiles and look at her for a moment debating 

"you promise I can go to school?" I ask and she nods taking my hands in hers

"I promise" she says then I nod

"Ok" I say and she smiles

"great we leave in an hour LOVE YOU" she exclaims before rushing upstairs to pack our things.


A couple weeks have passed and so much has happened. We moved into a hotel in mystic falls, i am now attending mystic falls high school, everything has gone smoothly although, I am putting that down to the fact that the Salvatore brothers have been out of town so we haven't actually seen them yet. Today when i got back from school Kat chucked my bag down and dragged me out into the woods so we can spy on the brothers and see if we can learn anything. We had been walking for what seems like forever until and i was about to protest until we came to a sudden stop and she clamped a hand over my mouth then used her other hand to make a ssh motion on her lips then pointed to her ears. I narrowed my hearing and managed to catch their conversation

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