jealousy - Elijah

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he finally sees your jealous side

Elijah and I have been dating for around 11 months now and we could not be happier, I have never felt this way with anyone before

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Elijah and I have been dating for around 11 months now and we could not be happier, I have never felt this way with anyone before. He has been nothing but the perfect gentleman to me, sometimes I feel like this is all a dream and that he is my knight in shining armour.

I feel really content in our relationship and I know we are both loyal to each other and that there are no wandering eyes. However, sometimes when we are out and a catch women's eyes wandering his body and flirting with him. I feel a little jealous.

by little i mean I become green eyed. 

Yes I know I know, it has been almost a year but still I have eyes, I know how unbelievably attractive my man is. 


Me and Elijah has been mooching around a few charity shops and we decided to go into a little cafe to give us (me) fuel to keep going. As soon as we entered I took notice of one of the waitresses because she was staring at Elijah like he was a slab of meat. This did not sit well with me.

We walked over to look at the menu, whilst he was picking a treat for us to share I could see the same waitress staring at him. Then when I caught her eyes she rolled hers and turned away. I shook my head

"ignore her darling" he says squeezing my waist and giving me a kiss on the cheek

"it's just annoying" I say and he nods 

"well I only have eyes for you" he says and I smile turning to him giving him a quick peck on the cheek. 

"you picked a desert?" I ask and he nods

"how does a raspberry and white chocolate muffin sound and i nod 

"perfect, you go get a table and I'll order" I say and he nods before walking away. I get my purse out head over to the counter, when i look to the server I notice it is the waitress who was eye fucking my boyfriend. 

In that moment I decided to try and take the high road

"Hi, how can i help you today?" she says and I smile

"Hi, i could I please two lattes and one raspberry and white chocolate muffin" I say and she nods

"of course, is that all?" she says not giving me the time of day

"yes thanks" i say and she puts it through the machine and I pay for it.

"we will bring it to your table" she says and I nod

"thank you" I say and as I walk away i hear her say 

"sl*t" I stop for a moment before turning around and staring at her for a moment and say

"in this day and age we should be empowering each other instead of tearing eachother down" before heading back over to the table.


We were sitting down or a couple of minutes before she comes over with a tray of our stuff,. She has unbuttoned her shirt and I can smell her from my seat. She is not looking at me at all and all her attention is on my boyfriends. She places it down she sets a cup in front of me and the other infront of Elijah. I notice a napic with a number on it beside the cup and I scoff. 

An idea forms, i pick up my cup but I let go slightly and it falls and pours all over her top. 

"oh my god, butter fingers, I am so sorry" I say and I turn to Elijah "could you pass me the napkins honey?" he gives a small smik and passes me the napkins. i start to dab at her shirt deliberately wetting the one with the number. 

"it's fine" she says and I hand her the napkins and she walks away

"so sorry" I say and I turn back to Elijah who sips his coffee 

"accident huh?" and I kiss him on the cheek before heading over to the till to order another coffee.

As I wait for the coffee she comes out from the back having changed and walks over and sits in my seat. I get my coffee and as I walk over i here Elijah say

"I have a girlfriend who I love very much" she replies

"I don't see her". I then stand right behind her chair

"turn around" she does and I wave "now you see her" she scoffs and I set my coffee down "honey, I would greatly appreciate it if you would stop flirting with my boyfriend, who is definitely not interested in you, and get on with your job. I don't want to be that bitch but I will talk to your supervisor" i say and she stands up walking away. When i sit down with a sigh Elijah pulls he closer to him 

"i have to admit that was quite arousing" he says and i roll my eyes and he takes my hands

"I love you and only you" he says and I look at him

"I love you too, sorry I have been acting immature" I say and he smile

"no need to apologise" he says. He leans into my ear and says "how about we go home and I can show you how much" I turn round and nod. We grab our stuff and speed home.

Let's just say the entirety of New Orleans now knows how much we love each other. 

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