closer - Elena

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thank u @wildoir for this idea 💕 please make sure to follow her and read all her amazing stories 

You and Elena are best friends, but deep down you both know your love for each other is more than a friendship

(p.s in this Elena is alive and at Stefan and Carolines wedding)

Me and Elena have known each other since we were toddlers because our mothers were best friends, so naturally we became best friends

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Me and Elena have known each other since we were toddlers because our mothers were best friends, so naturally we became best friends. We have been attached at the hip ever since.

We never left each others side, and when we became friends with Bonnie and Caroline we spent even more time together. 

When we were a bit younger we always joked that we were each others soulmates and we were destined to be together forever. Not until I was older did I truly realise what that meant. 

I am in love with Elena Gilbert.

I have been open about being Bi since a young age, I have had both girlfriends and boyfriends. But nothing I felt for them compares to how I feel about her. 

A part of me always hoped she would feel the same way, I would have a few glimpses of hope when we would drunkingly kiss each other. When I would wake up the next morning the hope would be gone and reality set back in. She has always said she is open to the idea of having a relationship with another woman, if they were the right person. 

I hoped to god it was me.

Present day

Me, Lena and Bonnie were helping Caroline get ready for her big day, gossiping and reminiscing on the golden days. Once I put the finishing touches on her make up she said she had to go to the bathroom so Bonnie went to help her leaving me and Lena in the room. 

I stood up and walked over to the mirror to check my reflection and adjust my dress.

"you look beautiful" I hear her say so I look at her in the mirror and smile 

"thank you lovely" I say winking at her making her giggle, it was my favourite sound in the world. "you look gorgeous" I say looking into her eyes as I said it. 

I see her smile falter for a moment, she opens her mouth as if to say something but then she doesn't 

"cat got your tongue Gilbert?" I say turning back around and she smiles again

"cat got your tongue Gilbert?" I say turning back around and she smiles again

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