grey - Kol

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He's sworn to protect you but didn't expect to fall for you

"what's so important about this hard drive?" I ask him knowing full well he isn't going to tell me anything. I am simply trying to make conversation as we're driving god knows where to another safe house my grandfather has hidden away. 

"just try and sleep ok?" he asks keeping his eyes on the road causing me to roll mine. Kol has been working for my grandfather for years and is one of his most trusted confidants, Kol gets any job done no matter the cost. On one mission Kol came in possession of a hard drive and questioned my grandfather about it. Which then became the catalyst for everything leading up to now. Now being all three of us have a target on our back and Kol has been sworn to protect my life at all costs. 

"Kol come on, can I not know about the thing that will most likely cause my death?" I say and he quickly gave me a glare

"that is not going to happen" he says and I sigh

"but Kol-" I go to say but he shakes his head

"nothing is happening to you on my watch ok? now please try and sleep we still have a while to go" he says and I let out a huff causing a small smirk from Kol (what I wanted) then turning in my seat so I can try and rest. 


When I begin to wake up I feel that I am no longer moving, as I slowly open my eyes I notice I am in a very dark bedroom causing myself to sit up really fast and my heart begins to race and I immediately stand up 

"Kol?.." I say as I feel the tears in my eyes I see Kol come bursting in the door with a worried look on his face, he scans the room and when his eyes land on me they become full of concern

"hey what's wrong?" he says rushing towards me and I just bring him in for a hug burying my face in his chest . He just stands there at first not sure what to do but I feel him bring me in closer and I manage to sniffle out

"I woke up and didn't know where i was" I say and I can feel him sigh and he pulls away 

"you were fully asleep by the time we arrived so i didn't want to wake you so i carried you inside" he says and I nod. We both stand there for a moment not knowing what to do now. My eyes flicker down to his lips and his do the same, i go to lean but he breaks the silence by telling me he started to cook breakfast so we both headed downstairs. We eat mostly in silence because Kol is typing away at his laptop leaving me alone with my thoughts trying to work out what the hell is on that hard drive and why it is so important. Occasionally I would catch Kol looking at me out of the corner of my eye and every time I would move to look at him he turns his attention back to the laptop. Every so often I would ask him again to tell me something and he would not. My god he is infuriating.


One afternoon I was in the kitchen staring out the window wondering if my grandad was ok. The thought of losing him was too unbearable to think. Then i think to Kol. I can't lose him too. I won't I must have been standing there for a while because I didn't realise Kol was stood in the doorway watching me.

"I'll find him Y/n" he says and I turn around to look at him and I give him a sad smile

"I know you will" I say setting down the coffee that has now gone cold. He walks in the kitchen and leans against the counter and I avoid looking at him because I fell on the verge of tears 

"Y/n?" he says gently and I look up at him 

"promise me something?" I ask and he nods moving closer to me 

"of course darling" he says

"promise you won't leave me, cause I can't lose you too" I say letting the tears fall and he takes my face in his hands and wipes my tears and says 

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now